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Communications of the ACM



Thomas Malone on Collective Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thomas Malone on Collective Intelligence

Thomas W Malone was a consultant for us for a number of years. here  he writes in the Edge on collective intelligence.  Of course our intelligence has always been...

The Psychology of IT Security Trade-offs
From Schneier on Security

The Psychology of IT Security Trade-offs

Good article. I agree with the conclusion that the solution isn't to convince people to make better choices, but to change the IT architecture so that it's easier...

The skyscrapers of tomorrow: Experientia features in eVolo 2012 competition
From Putting People First

The skyscrapers of tomorrow: Experientia features in eVolo 2012 competition

Working together with Marco Visconti architects, Experientia has created a forward-looking skyscraper concept, addressing the theme of global warming. The Visconti...

Try Going a Day Without Technology!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Try Going a Day Without Technology!

It's no doubt that most of us have become dependent (if not addicted) to technology. We rely on our cell phones, texting, Facebook, Twitter, and Internet searches...

Privacy Implications of Cyborg Eyepieces
From The Eponymous Pickle

Privacy Implications of Cyborg Eyepieces

Much has been heard about the 'Google Glasses' idea of letting someone experience a place overlaid with a computer screen.  We examined eye tracking and Neuromarketing...

Get Your Washing Machine to Text
From The Eponymous Pickle

Get Your Washing Machine to Text

The Internet of things, where all things have an address and can communicate.  Here, word of a way you can text the concept with real things.

CIFellow Sharoda Paul Featured in the New York Times
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CIFellow Sharoda Paul Featured in the New York Times

Sharoda Paul, a former CIFellow, was recently featured in the New York Times article,“Looking to Industry for the Next Digital Disruption.” After her postdoctoral...

Classified Information Confetti
From Schneier on Security

Classified Information Confetti

Some of the confetti at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York consisted of confidential documents from the Nassau County Police Department, shredded sideways...

From Schneier on Security


Stewart Baker, Orin Kerr, and Eugene Volokh on the legality of hackback.

Locked-In With Open Source?
From Wild WebMink

Locked-In With Open Source?

You can be if it’s not really open source. While open source forms a part of many proprietary solutions, the term “open source” should only be used to describe...

Words Matter
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Words Matter

Not long ago someone tweeted “Stop using "guru," "ninja," and other terms for job descriptions. You are a Sparkly Code Princess. Own it!” It’s been running though...

IBM DemandTec for Marketers
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM DemandTec for Marketers

From IBM DemandTec, a good view of the need to construct valid shopper segmentation.  Why?  So we can use targeting to make sure the right consumer gets the most...

MyGOSSCon Slides
From Wild WebMink

MyGOSSCon Slides

I gave a presentation yesterday in Malaysia on the forces driving change in open source; here are the slides.

Data Analytics Foundation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Analytics Foundation

New and growing.   Contact us for more information.Data Analytics Foundation works with market-leading companies across multiple verticals, solving high impact...

Research on Android tablet use in 5th grade classrooms
From Putting People First

Research on Android tablet use in 5th grade classrooms

The series of research projects on tablet use in schools (see here, here and here) now also has an Android study. A small research project by Marie Bjerede and...

Why I like the new C++
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Why I like the new C++

I was reading Vivek Haldar’s post on the new C++ (C++11) and I was reminded that I need to write such a post myself. C++ is a standardized language. And they came...

Open Rights Group Maturing
From Wild WebMink

Open Rights Group Maturing

In the space of a few weeks, the Open Rights Group (where I’m a volunteer director) has gone through a growth spurt, winning an award for campaigning work, launching...

Commenting on Communications
From The Eponymous Pickle

Commenting on Communications

I am getting increasing number of Spam Comments with an author of  'Anonymous'.  It is getting difficult to even scan all messages.  If you would like to improve...

Leveraging Big Data Around Customers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Leveraging Big Data Around Customers

Good piece, because it is ultimately how you leverage the data, and leveraging it means that you use analytics  to make it work with specific decision processes...

MedLove, Berlin, 23rd of November
From Putting People First

MedLove, Berlin, 23rd of November

Post by Experientia UX researcher Anna Wojnarowska: The first MedLove conference, a UX and healthcare summit sponsored by Razorfish, took place this Friday in Berlin...
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