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Spying Cameras
From The Eponymous Pickle

Spying Cameras

Covered broadly in the news.  Proof of concepts developed to use smartphone cameras for remote spying via malicious Trojans.  Not an unexpected capability. .  And...

Corporate Mobile Strategies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Corporate Mobile Strategies

In Fast Company:   Good overview of the need for mobile strategy.  Also some excellent examples to consider. I have found that a coherent strategy for small companies...

Certified or Qualified
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Certified or Qualified

Certification is a hot topic for K-12 computer science educators. It’s a big issue in public schools but not so much in private schools. The concern in privateAm...

How to create a cutting edge Smart City visitor experience
From Putting People First

How to create a cutting edge Smart City visitor experience

A four step guide from the Milan Expo 2015: Step 1 Ask your main sponsors (in this case Cisco, Enel and Telecom Italia) to indicate the relevant “Smart City” technologies...

Keccak is SHA-3
From Schneier on Security

Keccak is SHA-3

NIST has just announced that Keccak has been selected as SHA-3. It's a fine choice. I'm glad that SHA-3 is nothing like the SHA-2 family; something completely...

Therapy Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Therapy Apps

Supplemental therapy Apps.  Which reminds me of the time in the 1990s when AI based psych therapy programs were much discussed, but were soon seen to be less than...

Data Science Central
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Science Central

Quite a rich resource of data mining ideas and useful articles.  Points to a number of directions that are worth following.

Predicting Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Behavior

In Mind Hacks:    A telling piece that critiques a study relating the speed of drinking to the shape of a glass being used.  An excellent caution.  Classic example...

Controlling Systems with Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Controlling Systems with Data

A Conversation.One question that fascinated me in the last two years is, to what extent can we use data to control systems? What elements of a system can be effectively...

On Juggling Priorities
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Juggling Priorities

In the HBR Network:  Great video on the juggling of priorities.  Often a dilemma.  In my experience priorities are always determined by context, which is always...

Anthropological study by Google on our magic relationship with mobile devices
From Putting People First

Anthropological study by Google on our magic relationship with mobile devices

What is the emotional relationship people truly have with the mobile space and how they make meaning there? To answer this, Google conducted an anthropological...

2013 U.S. Homeland Security Budget
From Schneier on Security

2013 U.S. Homeland Security Budget

Among other findings in this CBO report: Funding for homeland security has dropped somewhat from its 2009 peak of $76 billion, in inflation-adjusted terms; funding...

From Computational Complexity

Quantum Workshop

I went to the QIS workshop on quantum computing which was on the College Park Campus. I went Thursday (reception- free food!) and Friday (free lunch!) but had...

Experientia at EPIC 2012
From Putting People First

Experientia at EPIC 2012

Experientia will be at EPIC Conference, on October 14-17 2012, hosted by the Savannah College of Art and Design [SCAD], Savannah, USA. This year, Experientia president...

Debugging is Good For Learning
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Debugging is Good For Learning

I was going to title this post “I love debugging” because, well, I do love debugging code. For me that is one of the most fun puzzle solving mind challenging things...

Why we are so rude online
From Putting People First

Why we are so rude online

Why are we so nasty to each other online, asks Elizabeth Bernstein in the Wall Street Journal. Whether on Facebook, Twitter, message boards or websites, we say...

Smart cities in Italy and France
From Putting People First

Smart cities in Italy and France

The European House-Ambrosetti, an Italian economic think tank/management consultancy and organisers of the very prestigious annual international economic conference...

Computer Science: Tool or Way of Knowing?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Computer Science: Tool or Way of Knowing?

I gave a talk recently and, at the end, a faculty member from a non-CS discipline asked me "So, is computer science a tool or a fundamental way of knowing?" My...

Print Your Own Replacement Parts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Print Your Own Replacement Parts

A move forward in 3-D printing.  " ... Want a new part for your synthesizer? Need a replacement knob or dial? In a first, one company is telling its customers to...

Pack Mule
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pack Mule

DARPA's pack mule for the soldier is getting closer to reality.  Saw some early tests in robotics exhibitions but wondered if it would ever be used.  Expect the...
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