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Communications of the ACM



Capturing user research
From Putting People First

Capturing user research

Jim Ross, Principal of Design Research at Electronic Ink, provides a good technical overview on the methods of capturing information during user research.

Transformative UX
From Putting People First

Transformative UX

Markus Latzina, SAP AG, and Joerg Beringer, SAP Labs, LLC. have republished an article they have written for Interactions Magazine on the Transformative User Experience...

Book: Cross-Cultural Technology Design
From Putting People First

Book: Cross-Cultural Technology Design

Cross-Cultural Technology Design Creating Culture-Sensitive Technology for Local Users by Huatong Sun Hardback, 352 pages Oxford University Press – Feb 2012 [Amazon...

2012 US Imagine Cup People
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

2012 US Imagine Cup People

The voting is now open for the US Imagine Cup People

Lost Smart Phones and Human Nature
From Schneier on Security

Lost Smart Phones and Human Nature

Symantec deliberately "lost" a bunch of smart phones with tracking software on them, just to see what would happen: Some 43 percent of finders clicked on an app...

Printable Paper Robots
From The Eponymous Pickle

Printable Paper Robots

A simple idea.  An MIT project that aims to create such devices by 2017.    Directionally interesting, but does not seem to be very practical.  Though as the example...

Lecturing for a First Year Programming Class
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Lecturing for a First Year Programming Class

I gave a guest lecture at Carleton last week. It was for the first programming class that both computer science and non-major students take, taught using Processing...

Big Y Online Shopping Mall
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Y Online Shopping Mall

The Big Y Marketplace debuts.    The idea has been tried a number of times in the past, not to particular success.  Being a single place aggregator for online experiences...

Law Enforcement Forensics Tools Against Smart Phones
From Schneier on Security

Law Enforcement Forensics Tools Against Smart Phones

Turns out the password can be easily bypassed: XRY works by first jailbreaking the handset. According to Micro Systemation, no

NSF Announces New Expeditions in Computing Awards
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Announces New Expeditions in Computing Awards

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) today announced four new Expeditions in Computing...

It is what you do, not what you own
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

It is what you do, not what you own

Over 20 years ago, back when I was in high school, I went on a sailboat trip. I was so impressed that I decided to own a sailboat one day. I realized that a sailboat...

Coca Cola Research on Social Media Users
From The Eponymous Pickle

Coca Cola Research on Social Media Users

A report in Progressive Grocer on Coca Cola's analysis of social media users.   " ... A report from the Coca-Cola Retailing Research Council divides social media...

Visual Culture Taking Over
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visual Culture Taking Over

In Adage:  On the increase of image based culture.  Pinterest and the increase image tweets are just a few examples.  Easier to scan, yes.  A thousand words?  But...

From Computational Complexity

We Think Like Our Fields

Have lunch with economists and they'll talk about the decision making processes and equilibriums of everything from politics to sports. Computer scientists worry...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Our colleagues over at

Computer Forensics: An Example
From Schneier on Security

Computer Forensics: An Example

Paul Ceglia's lawsuit against Facebook is fascinating, but that's not the point of this blog post. As part of the case, there are allegations that documents and...

DigiGirlz Cambridge MA
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

DigiGirlz Cambridge MA

Last Friday Microsoft NERD (New England Research and Development Center) was pleased to host DigiGirlz Day for close to 300 high school girls from around Massachusetts...

Mayo Clinic on empathy and design
From Putting People First

Mayo Clinic on empathy and design

James Oliver Senior and Adam Dole, resp. designer and business planner at Mayo Clinic, argue that health-related apps often fail to take into account any understanding...

Service design talk by Anna Meroni in Sweden
From Putting People First

Service design talk by Anna Meroni in Sweden

Anna Meroni, PhD, is a scholar and professor in Service and Strategic Design at Politecnico di Milano. She works on design activism, social innovation and sustainability...

Chronicle of Philanthropy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chronicle of Philanthropy

A visualization of philanthropic stories.   A gallery of stories about why people should give using infographics
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