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Documenting the Human Face of Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Documenting the Human Face of Big Data

A photographic project.   What is it and what are its implications?     More here.

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

On the heels of Saturday’s New York Times‘ story about iRobot, the National Science Foundation (NSF) is out with a feature

Titan Trading and Recorded Future Predictive Signals
From The Eponymous Pickle

Titan Trading and Recorded Future Predictive Signals

I have been working with and testing some of the predictive analytics capabilities of RecordedFuture for some time now.   You can test it for yourself at the link...

Pepsi Urges Speed and Data Gathering
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pepsi Urges Speed and Data Gathering

In CPGMatters:   " ... The food industry needs to speed up the way it collects data, develops products, reduces days of inventory, and deals with the convergence...

E-Books Interrupt Themselves
From The Eponymous Pickle

E-Books Interrupt Themselves

In The NY Times Media and Advertising Section:   I have pondered this recently as I have started to use e-Books more often.  My smartphone and pad readers interrupt...

Low2No featured in ARUP Design Yearbook 2011
From Putting People First

Low2No featured in ARUP Design Yearbook 2011

The Design Yearbook 2011 of ARUP — the global firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants and technical specialists that Experientia collaborated with on...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog


Ira “Gus” Hunt, the CIA’s

British Anti-Theft Briefcase from the 1960s
From Schneier on Security

British Anti-Theft Briefcase from the 1960s


How to manufacture desire
From Putting People First

How to manufacture desire

Nir Eyal continues his article series on Techcrunch (see also “Habits are the new viral“) with a short essay on manufacturing desire. “Companies increasingly find...

Book: The Transition Companion
From Putting People First

Book: The Transition Companion

The Transition Companion: making your community more resilient in uncertain times by Rob Hopkins Chelsea Green Pub Co, November 2011 320 pages Abstract In 2008,...

Book: The Power of Habit
From Putting People First

Book: The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg Random House, February 2012 400 pages Abstract In The Power of Habit, award-winning...

Interesting Links 5 March 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 5 March 2012

I took some vacation days last week. Here in New Hampshire the weather has been wild. On Tuesday I went kayaking with my son and on Thursday we had a major snow...

Humans, Machines, and the Dimensions of Microwork
From The Noisy Channel

Humans, Machines, and the Dimensions of Microwork

As per my previous post, I had a great time at the O’Reilly Strata Conference. It was a delight to participate in such a fantastic gathering of folks who work with...

Life 2.0 supporting elderly people
From Putting People First

Life 2.0 supporting elderly people

The Life 2.0 project is a EU funded project that aims at supporting elderly people

That Windows 8 experience? Confusing. Confusing as hell
From Putting People First

That Windows 8 experience? Confusing. Confusing as hell

Trying out Windows 8 on the desktop gives a strange feeling, writes Matthew Baxter-Reynolds on The Guardian’s Technology Blog. There’s a solid update to Windows...

Making a Midterm is No Fun
From My Biased Coin

Making a Midterm is No Fun

I think one of most challenging parts of teaching a course is setting up exams. There are a lot of constraints:You want to cover, as reasonably as possible, all...

Sensors at the End of the Supply Chain: StoreFlix
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sensors at the End of the Supply Chain: StoreFlix

I have had the pleasure to meet again with Phil Storage, CEO of StoreFlix and  hear the advancements in  his simple but high leverage, mobile-based technology."...

Wicked Problems Free Book
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wicked Problems Free Book

Have been involved wicked problems for my entire career.  We used to call them messy problems. Solved some, am still frustrated by others. Now there isa free online...

Defining Under-Rated
From The Eponymous Pickle

Defining Under-Rated

In JunkCharts:     A conversation on the meaning of being under-rated.   Starting in the restaurant review sense.  The comments also provide some intriguing thoughts...

Shopping on  a 3D Web
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopping on a 3D Web

From Intel Research:  Shopping on a 3D Web.  A 3D Web for everyone?
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