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Artisan Videos
From The Eponymous Pickle

Artisan Videos

Link to some fascinating artisan videos.  Just videos of people who are very skilled in what they do, doing it very well.  As  the post says, hard not to watch....

Evolution of QR Codes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Evolution of QR Codes

Report on the use of QR codes and the rapid changes in their effective use. They evolve along with the increased us of smartphones.   I was at a local Panera today...

A Good Problem to Have
From My Biased Coin

A Good Problem to Have

Last year's enrollment for CS 124 was 53.  So far, current enrollment for this year:  119. I imagine a few are still just taking a look and might drop.  But a doubling...

Whats Wrong with the Internet?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Whats Wrong with the Internet?

In the CACM.  Bufferbloat: Whats wrong with the Internet.  A Group discussion with Vint Cerf, Van Jacobsen, Nick Weaver and Jim Gettys.  Good thoughts.Where do...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Ever wondered how companies determine the best flavors and scents for their packaged food, drinks, cleaning products, toiletries, and so many more items? Well,...

Mozilla peut-elle apporter l
From Wild WebMink

Mozilla peut-elle apporter l

La nouvelle licence open-source de Mozilla est bien plus qu

SFI and Big Data at Davos
From The Eponymous Pickle

SFI and Big Data at Davos

Interesting piece about SFI and the leverage of big data. I am skeptical, it is about leveraging the data, regardless of size or complexity.

Cisco Simplifying Interfaces
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco Simplifying Interfaces

A really good idea.   We worked with Cisco from the early days of their looking at advanced collaboration.  it is good to see them thinking a simplified and unified...

More quick links
From Geeking with Greg

More quick links

More of what has caught my attention lately:Laptops with Kinect sensors are coming. Worth paying attention to, gesturing in air to issue commands, a very different...

Insecurity By Obscurity
From Wild WebMink

Insecurity By Obscurity

I was so shocked by the way Symantec has left its customers to twist in the wind for five years I had to write down some serious questions about their

Citogenesis in science and the importance of real problems
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Citogenesis in science and the importance of real problems

Many papers in Computer Science tell the following story: There is a pre-existing problem P. There are few relatively simple but effective solution to problem P...

3D Printing and Virtual Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Printing and Virtual Reality

In MIT Technology Review:   When I first read the title of this article I thought:  Well yes, they are very different.  One provides interaction in a digital space...

Lead With a Story:Storytelling in the Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lead With a Story:Storytelling in the Enterprise

A former colleague Paul Smith, is coming out with a book on storytelling in the enterprise.  " ... Paul Smith is director of Consumer & Communications Research...

From Computational Complexity

Guest post on ITCS by Chazelle

(Requested announcement: Calling all Women PhD Students (and a few undergrads) We will be having our bi-annual Women in Theory (WIT) Workshop this year in Princeton...

DARPA Seeking to Develop a
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

DARPA Seeking to Develop a

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is out this month with a broad agency announcement soliciting “innovation research proposals in support of...

Password Sharing Among American Teenagers
From Schneier on Security

Password Sharing Among American Teenagers

Interesting article from the New York Times on password sharing as a show of affection. "It's a sign of trust," Tiffany Carandang, a high school senior in Sandiscusses...

Visualization Resources
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualization Resources

Good post on visualization resources:  " ... This is the fourth part of a multi-part series designed to share with readers an inspiring collection of the most important...

Innovation for the Library
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation for the Library

In the HBR:   If is clearly a challenge for the library to innovate in a way it will be able to survive.  " ... The dominance of radio, TV, and Hollywood threatened...

P&G and Safe Drinking Water
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G and Safe Drinking Water

P&G Facebook page promotes Children;s Safe  Drinking Water program   " ... In an effort to support its Children

Faculty Applications
From My Biased Coin

Faculty Applications

An anonymous commenter asked how we evaluate faculty applications.  While it's a little late, it's a valid question, so here are some high-level thoughts.  Here...
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