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Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Intelligence Requirements Gathering

Somewhat obvious but useful examples of who and what to get together to better insure the success of a BI effort.

Recovering a Hacked Gmail Account
From Schneier on Security

Recovering a Hacked Gmail Account

Long (but well-written and interesting) story of someone whose Gmail account was hacked and erased, and eventually restored. Many interesting lessons about the...

Eames Documentary Online
From The Eponymous Pickle

Eames Documentary Online

Worth a look. We worked with Herman Miller on innovation projects: PBS Eames documentary now online:If you're at all inter

Shut Down or Restart: New UK CS Report
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Shut Down or Restart: New UK CS Report

The Royal Society in Great Britain has just released a ground-breaking new report called Shut Down or Restart: The Way Forward for Computing in UK Schools which...

Real Computer Science in High Schools
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Real Computer Science in High Schools

As someone who is always looking for outreach opportunities with middle and high school students, I enjoyed The Guardian's recent article called Michael Gove to...

"Going Dark" vs. a "Golden Age of Surveillance"
From Schneier on Security

"Going Dark" vs. a "Golden Age of Surveillance"

It's a policy debate that's been going on since the crypto wars of the early 1990s. The FBI, NSA, and other agencies continue to claim they're losing their ability...

NIH Institute Creates New Division for Bioinformatics, Comp Bio
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NIH Institute Creates New Division for Bioinformatics, Comp Bio

The National Institute of General Medicine Sciences (NIGMS), an institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) supporting basic research and research training...

Teaching Teachers and Students Together
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching Teachers and Students Together

The other day Chris Bowen (that

Affective computing
From Putting People First

Affective computing

Chapter twelve of the resource is now available in preview. It deals with what HCI specialists call

Jan Chipchase gets asked critical questions and responds
From Putting People First

Jan Chipchase gets asked critical questions and responds

During the Pop!Tech conference, well known design researcher Jan Chipchase gave a talk about his research work. In the panel session an audience member asked two...

Gartner View of IBM DemandTec Acquisition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gartner View of IBM DemandTec Acquisition

A short post by Gartner on the proposed acquisition.. Some of the usual watch-outs with any acquisition. Certainly it is a means of bringing very specific retail...

Kaggle: Data Science as a Sport
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kaggle: Data Science as a Sport

Crowd sourcing prediction.. " ... Participate in competitions ... is an arena where you can match your data science skills against a global cadre of experts in...

Future of Pharma Information Tech
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Pharma Information Tech

In the Recorded Future Blog. A good look at IT in Pharmaceuticals using the temporal search engine Recorded Future. This search engine semantically analyzes...

Abolish the Department of Homeland Security
From Schneier on Security

Abolish the Department of Homeland Security

I have a love/hate relationship with the CATO Institute. Most of their analysis I strongly disagree with, but some of it I equally strongly agree with. Last September...

TSA Cupcake Update
From Schneier on Security

TSA Cupcake Update

The TSA claims that the cupcake they confiscated was in a jar. So this is a less obviously stupid story than I previously thought.

IBM Determines Magnetic Memory Limits
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

IBM Determines Magnetic Memory Limits

Ahead of an article to be published in tomorrow’s

From Computational Complexity

Being Random and Trivial in Dagstuhl

This week I'm at the Computability, Complexity and Randomness workshop at Dagstuhl in Germany. This meeting brings together two groups, complexity theorists and...

A Theory of Online Jihadist Sites
From Schneier on Security

A Theory of Online Jihadist Sites

Very interesting: The counterterrorism community has spent years trying to determine why so many people are engaged in online jihadi communities in such a meaningful...

Elizabeth Churchill on emotion
From Putting People First

Elizabeth Churchill on emotion

Elizabeth Churchill, Principal Research Scientist at Yahoo! Research, was the speaker at the October 2011 Creative Mornings event in San Francisco. In her talk...

Image Sensors for Multiple Contexts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Image Sensors for Multiple Contexts

In Engadget: A concept for compact 360 degree image capture. Always interested in new sensor capture devices. What came to me immediately was the possible use...
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