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Communications of the ACM



Could You Pass the AP Computer Science Exam?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Could You Pass the AP Computer Science Exam?

There is an article in the Washington Post about a school board member who took a standardized test for 10th grade students. To say he didn’t do well would be an...

Homesense final report
From Putting People First

Homesense final report

Homesense was a research project that looked at how we might design smart homes from the bottom up, in an environment of open innovation. Using open source tools...

Homesense final report
From Putting People First

Homesense final report

Homesense was a research project that looked at how we might design smart homes from the bottom up, in an environment of open innovation. Using open source tools...

Reporting on the Village Telco project in Kenya
From Putting People First

Reporting on the Village Telco project in Kenya

Since September 2011, Niti Bhan, an emerging markets design strategist, has been wholly immersed in the cyber cafe industry in Sub Saharan Africa, specifically...

Reporting on the Village Telco project in Kenya
From Putting People First

Reporting on the Village Telco project in Kenya

Since September 2011, Niti Bhan, an emerging markets design strategist, has been wholly immersed in the cyber cafe industry in Sub Saharan Africa, specifically...

Arup: The technology-enabled city is an untapped source of sustainable growth
From Putting People First

Arup: The technology-enabled city is an untapped source of sustainable growth

Information Marketplaces: The new economics of cities Author: Arup, The Climate Group, Accenture and Horizon, University of Nottingham Publication date: 28 November...

Arup: The technology-enabled city is an untapped source of sustainable growth
From Putting People First

Arup: The technology-enabled city is an untapped source of sustainable growth

Information Marketplaces: The new economics of cities Author: Arup, The Climate Group, Accenture and Horizon, University of Nottingham Publication date: 28 November...

Why service design is the next big thing in cultural innovation
From Putting People First

Why service design is the next big thing in cultural innovation

Rohan Gunatillake, the lead producer of festivalslab (the Edinburgh Festival Innovations Lab) gives four reasons why new thinking and tools can produce better experiences... Blog Launched
From The Eponymous Pickle Blog Launched

I see that the blog on data and design has been launched.   I like their general approach, but am leary of the overuse of infographics.  I like to see...

Cost of Customer Loss
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cost of Customer Loss

In Inc.  Thoughtful short piece about the cost of customer attrition. " .... It may surprise you just how much each lost customer is costing your business.... "

Plane Work
From My Biased Coin

Plane Work

I dislike flying, but I have a few flights coming up.I find that engaging in "real thinking" about problems while on a plane is generally beyond me.  (I'm jealous...

Security Problems with U.S. Cloud Providers
From Schneier on Security

Security Problems with U.S. Cloud Providers

Invasive U.S. surveillance programs, either illegal like the NSA's wiretapping of AT&T phone lines or legal as authorized by the PATRIOT Act, are causing foreign...

White House Unveils Cybesecurity R&D Roadmap
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White House Unveils Cybesecurity R&D Roadmap

Earlier today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

Happy Computer Science Education Week!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Happy Computer Science Education Week!

All of our preparations have come to this week, the 2nd CS Ed Week, the celebration of Computer Science in K-12 education. I would like to take this opportunity...

Duke Synovate Research Center
From The Eponymous Pickle

Duke Synovate Research Center

Brought to my attention. The Duke Synovate Research Center.  Sounds similar to our own Innovation Center founded in 2000.  It will include board members from CPG...

DemandTec Retail Challenge Scholarship Awards
From The Eponymous Pickle

DemandTec Retail Challenge Scholarship Awards

In an era rewarding mostly sports and celebrity, it is great to see math being noticed.  More. 

Stickers Acting as Sensors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stickers Acting as Sensors

In general a nice idea.   Wireless sensors delivered as stickers.   With considerable potential application in retail. Gamifying implications. Worth following.More...

Breaking from Microsoft Office
From The Eponymous Pickle

Breaking from Microsoft Office

Walter Riker, who teaches MS office applications and is a true expert on their use, writes about their use and how that influences our work.  Nice job Walter. ...

Recent Developments in Full Disclosure
From Schneier on Security

Recent Developments in Full Disclosure

Last week, I had a long conversation with Robert Lemos over an article he was writing about full disclosure. He had noticed that companies have recently been reacting...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog


Over 3,600 officials spanning government, industry, and academia are gathered at the third annual mHealth Summit just outside Washington, DC, this week, “to advance...
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