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Enhancing In-Store With Mobile
From The Eponymous Pickle

Enhancing In-Store With Mobile

Some good examples from Ad-Age.  " ... More consumers are turning to tablets and smartphones to shop, but this back-to-school season major retailers are using mobile...

Good Decision Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Good Decision Blog

A new blog by IBM on Decision Management, appears to be useful.  

Junaio Announces New Browser: Augmented World
From The Eponymous Pickle

Junaio Announces New Browser: Augmented World

An interesting press release from Junaio.   Note in particular the ability to use multiple capabilities, beyond the now becoming common QR codes.  As mentioned ...

From Computational Complexity

Patrick Fischer (1935-2011)

Patrick Fischer, founder of STOC and SIGACT, passed away Friday at the age of 75. Fischer's research spanned from studying the relative power of different machine...

Why can
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Why can

One of the most common data structuring in Computer Science is the hash table. It is used to store key-value pairs. For example, it is a good data structure to...

Top Salespeople Born or Made?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Top Salespeople Born or Made?

Mostly born based on personality tests, says an article in the Harvard Review.   We showed this years ago with something as simplistic as Myers-Briggs tests.

Tablets in Manufacturing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tablets in Manufacturing

In Computerworld:    The iPad takes on manufacturing The iPad, darling of the consumer crowd, dares to get gritty as Pfizer and other companies try it out in industrial...

A Summer Social Webshop
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A Summer Social Webshop

The following is a special contribution to this blog by

Screenshots of Chinese Hacking Tool
From Schneier on Security

Screenshots of Chinese Hacking Tool

It's hard to know how serious this really is: The screenshots appear as B-roll footage in the documentary for six seconds

Interesting Links 29 August 2011
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 29 August 2011

Hurricane Irene was the big news on the east coast of the US and parts of the Caribbean last week. Oh and there was a surprising east coast earthquake last week...

? The Social Media Chorale
From Wild WebMink

? The Social Media Chorale

Chatting with Jill earlier, I ended up watching this TED talk by composer Eric Whitacre: Which led me to his Virtual Choir project, which I found exceptionally...

More on Crowd Sourcing Difficult Tasks
From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Crowd Sourcing Difficult Tasks

Another post about MobileWorks.  A favorite topic that we attempted to utilize with the capabilities of the time, but without great success.   " ... Enabling software...

Interesting Links 29 August 2011
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 29 August 2011

Hurricane Irene was the big news on the east coast of the US and parts of the Caribbean last week. Oh and there was a surprising east coast earthquake last week...

UK Public Holiday Monday
From Wild WebMink

UK Public Holiday Monday

Just in case you’re not aware, the UK has its end-of-the-summer public holiday tomorrow so none of your UK contacts will be at work (unless they’re hiding out in...

Kids today need a licence to tinker
From Putting People First

Kids today need a licence to tinker

Forget the dysfunctional approach of the national curriculum, we need to open young minds to the creative possibilities of computing, writes John Naughton in today’s...

What marketing executives should know about user experience
From Putting People First

What marketing executives should know about user experience

A strong experience strategy, derived from qualitative user research and experience workshops, can bring a collected vision to your organization and not only identify...

A long-wave theory on today
From Putting People First

A long-wave theory on today

Historian Elin Whitney-Smith looks at previous periods of disruption to understand what companies (and people) are going through today. “According to Elin Whitney...

Timed Automata and Scheduling Resources
From The Eponymous Pickle

Timed Automata and Scheduling Resources

A largely technical article in the CACM that reminded me of the complexity of scheduling and resourcing activities in real time.  " ... The problems of time-dependent...

Your Smartphone is Listening in
From The Eponymous Pickle

Your Smartphone is Listening in

A post on Apps that can listen in and determine what you are watching on TV.  We will start to see more of this sensor-based application that can understand your...

Google Sets to Shut Down
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Sets to Shut Down

The curiously interesting 'Google Sets' feature will be shut down on September 5.  We experimented with this when it was first released.  It provided a form of...
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