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Communications of the ACM



STOC 2010, and Some Business Meeting Notes
From My Biased Coin

STOC 2010, and Some Business Meeting Notes

STOC 2010 appears to be running quite smoothly.  I've been popping in and out -- the problem with being a local is that I actually have to go home at reasonable...

Conference Attendance :  How to Keep it Strong?
From My Biased Coin

Conference Attendance : How to Keep it Strong?

In honor of the STOC business meeting coming up shortly: STOC, CCC, and EC are all apparently poised to have very strong attendance this year -- from what I understand...

Announcement:  Matt Welsh Tenured
From My Biased Coin

Announcement: Matt Welsh Tenured

I'm very, very pleased to announce that Matt Welsh's Harvard tenure case has been successful.   There's a number of wonderful things I could say about Matt andthe...

SIGCOMM Travel Grants
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SIGCOMM Travel Grants

I was asked by the SIGCOMM program chairs to remind everyone that there are travel grants available, especially for students, postdocs, and junior faculty.  Since...

Will Google Buy ITA?
From My Biased Coin

Will Google Buy ITA?

As long-time readers of the blog know, I am a fan of ITA software, the company with the fare-finding technology and search engine that powers Orbitz and several...

What Work to Give Up?
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What Work to Give Up?

I'm not yet sure how many hours a week being a Chair (oops, "Area Dean") will chew up, but I think it's safe to say it will be a non-trivial number.  I'm generally...

Bertinoro Day 3
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Bertinoro Day 3

Since I left, Andrew McGregor tool over and has posted a summary of day 3 on his polylogblog, which is also now added (at the top!) on the bloglist at the right...

Bertinoro, Day 2
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Bertinoro, Day 2

Bertinoro is a really beautiful city.  I just felt like saying that.Today's talks:  Geppino Pucci talked about Bluetooth networks, modeled as a variation of random...

Personal News : "New Job"
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Personal News : "New Job"

Since it's more or less been publicly announced at this point, I may as well announce it here:  starting July 1, I'll be the new Area Dean for Computer Scienceunlike...

Blogging from Bertinoro
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Blogging from Bertinoro

I'm here at Bertinoro (a beautiful, out-of-the-way, small town in Italy) for the 2010 version of Random GRAALS (= graphs and algorithms), a workshop that we'vestandard...

Extension Results
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Extension Results

At the start of semester, at one point I had 48 people signed up for my extension Algorithms and Data Structures course, which I said from day one would not last...

Giving in to Student Demands
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Giving in to Student Demands

I received my student reviews today, and while I could easily post days' worth of discussions on them, suffice to say there's a non-trivial minority of students...

Links to Look At
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Links to Look At

Matt Welsh has what he tells me is his most-read post ever about The Secret Lives of Professors.  I'll help promote it here, but save my commentary for the comments...

Grade Inflation?
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Grade Inflation?

I know Harvard is supposed to be famous for its grade inflation, but that's not generally the case in my class (and, I think, for our CS classes in general).  Having...

ACM elections reminder
From My Biased Coin

ACM elections reminder

I was asked to remind everyone that if they want to vote on the ACM elections, the deadline is May 24th.  Here is the official ACM election page.  You might note...

Harvard News Items
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Harvard News Items

Some highlights: 1) From the Crimson:  "An undergraduate has been dismissed from Harvard College after allegedly hacking into online accounts of the teaching staff...

Robobees Redux
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Robobees Redux

While I intentionally try to avoid the political on this blog, I did make an exception previously when I heard that the Harvard Robobees project had made #1 onthe...

The Value of Experiments
From My Biased Coin

The Value of Experiments

Several days ago Lance wrote about "Is Complexity Math or Science?", and in that context wrote "We don't do experiments...", which has caused me to overreact.I'm...

Another Book on Networks
From My Biased Coin

Another Book on Networks

Another book on networks, namely Networks: An Introduction, by Mark Newman, will be available in about a week or so.  Mark is known to many in the networking community...

Complexity of Distributed Systems, Market Crash Style
From My Biased Coin

Complexity of Distributed Systems, Market Crash Style

Apparently, the stock market crash of 5/6/10 was not, as originally thought, due to a "standard" human/computer error where someone meant to sell a million shared...
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