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Recent Award for Network Coding
From My Biased Coin

Recent Award for Network Coding

I opened the January issue of IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and saw (what is probably old news to everyone) that Tracey Ho, Muriel Medard, Ralf Kotter...

Guest Post:  Giorgos Zervas from WSDM, Part 3
From My Biased Coin

Guest Post: Giorgos Zervas from WSDM, Part 3

I am back from WSDM and I have to say all in all it was a great experience. I think my talk went fairly well although I can see some ways in which it could have...

Guest Post:  Giorgos Zervas from WSDM, Part 2
From My Biased Coin

Guest Post: Giorgos Zervas from WSDM, Part 2

Day two of WSDM was highlighted by two great presentations which I enjoyed for different reasons. I think the strong features of both could be incorporated in almost...

Guest Post:  Giorgos Zervas from WSDM
From My Biased Coin

Guest Post: Giorgos Zervas from WSDM

Since I couldn't get myself to New York for WSDM, I asked my student Giorgos Zervas to report. This is his report from Thursday.-----------------------Greetings...

Admissions Handling
From My Biased Coin

Admissions Handling

I've been spending time on both graduate admissions and undergraduate admissions.For graduate admissions, we've moved to an all-electronic system; the applications...

Does Class Size Matter?
From My Biased Coin

Does Class Size Matter?

Preliminary stats show 55 students in my algorithms course. That's probably close to the mean and slightly above the median. It's certainly not the largest course...

Justifying Growth : We Need Better PR...
From My Biased Coin

Justifying Growth : We Need Better PR...

Background: As part of the "getting a new Dean" process, we're undergoing a "make a 5 year plan" process. The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)...

Paper updates
From My Biased Coin

Paper updates

We updated our Swoopo paper, Information Asymmetries in Pay-Per-Bid Auctions: How Swoopo Makes Bank, mostly making small writing improvements and typo fixes that...

Teaching, Day One
From My Biased Coin

Teaching, Day One

First day of classes for me today. It's "spring", sort of, so I must be teaching Algorithms and Data Structures.Last year there were about 80 students in the class...

On Formatting
From My Biased Coin

On Formatting

Matt Welsh's recent amusing-but-also-sad post on having two recent conference submissions rejected for violating format requirements reminded me how much I hate...

From My Biased Coin


The Chronicle of Higher Education has an article up titled Time Crunch for Female Scientists : They Do More Housework Than Men. Worth reading, understanding, and...

New TCS postdocs/jobs website at CCI
From My Biased Coin

New TCS postdocs/jobs website at CCI

There's a new page that was set up as a centralized location for advertising postdocs and jobs for theoretical computer...

Letters and Rights
From My Biased Coin

Letters and Rights

I generally assume students know to waive their rights to look at a letter of recommendation when they ask me to write one, but I recently ran into a student that...

Algorithms and Data Structures : Course Goals
From My Biased Coin

Algorithms and Data Structures : Course Goals

Richard Lipton has an excellent blog post up right now on "What should a course on complexity theory cover?" where he describes what he is putting in his graduate...

New Harry Lewis Opinion at HuffPo
From My Biased Coin

New Harry Lewis Opinion at HuffPo

Harry Lewis has a new opinion piece up at Huffington Post. The title,Larry Summers, Robert Rubin : Will The Harvard Shadow Elite Bankrupt The University And The...

Visiting Dartmouth for a Research Symposium
From My Biased Coin

Visiting Dartmouth for a Research Symposium

I spent the day at Dartmouth, as I was asked to be "keynote speaker" for their Computer Science Annual Research Symposium. Essentially, it's their own mini-conference...

New Paper: Information Asymmetries in Pay-Per-Bid Auctions
From My Biased Coin

New Paper: Information Asymmetries in Pay-Per-Bid Auctions

I'm happy to announce a new paper that answers, among other questions, how I spent a huge chunk of my winter holiday break. The paper is by me, John Byers, and...

How Much Grading Should Professors Do?
From My Biased Coin

How Much Grading Should Professors Do?

One of the outcomes of the Harvard budget crisis is that the budget for Teaching Assistants has been brought into line. At Harvard, we've been ridiculously spoiled...

New Year's Again
From My Biased Coin

New Year's Again

It's time for the annual New Year posting. Last year, I talked about the potential power of affirmations -- in the sense of thinking about concrete goals you hope...

New Result : Tight Asymptotic Bounds for the Deletion Channel with Small Deletion Probabilities
From My Biased Coin

New Result : Tight Asymptotic Bounds for the Deletion Channel with Small Deletion Probabilities

Posting will be light over winter break, in part because so little is going on, but more because I'm busy working on papers for upcoming deadlines. I'll describe...
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