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Communications of the ACM



Ranking Networking Conferences
From My Biased Coin

Ranking Networking Conferences

I'm curious if various readers out there would be willing to offer their ranking of networking conferences. The issue has come up in some conversations recently...

Major (and Minor) Happenings : Gu-Yeon Wei
From My Biased Coin

Major (and Minor) Happenings : Gu-Yeon Wei

I'm thrilled to announce that my colleague Gu-Yeon Wei, in EE here at Harvard, received tenure. I feel this is worth a mention because:1) Strangely, people sometimes...

Old References
From My Biased Coin

Old References

One interesting aspect of our WSDM paper is that we have multiple references from the 1930's and 40's. It turns out our problem is related to some of the problems...

WSDM Paper : Acceptance Rates
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WSDM Paper : Acceptance Rates

I'm happy to announce our paper "Adaptive Weighing Designs for Keyword Value Computation" -- by me, John Byers, and Georgios Zervas -- was accepted to WSDM 2010...

Harvard Finances
From My Biased Coin

Harvard Finances

For those who are interested in such things, Harvard's latest financial report appears to be available. Rumors have it that the report was made (widely) public...

Welcoming Myself to CACM
From My Biased Coin

Welcoming Myself to CACM

I'd like to welcome myself to the Blogroll for the Communications of the ACM! My colleague Greg Morrisett suggested I get my blog into the CACM Blogroll, so asome...

New Book on Concentration Bounds
From My Biased Coin

New Book on Concentration Bounds

I spent an hour or more today perusing the book Concentration of Measure for the Analysis of Randomized Algorithms, by Devdatt Dubhashi and Alessandro Panconesi...

SOSP congratulations
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SOSP congratulations

One conference I've never had a paper in -- though I'd like to someday -- is SOSP, the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, one of the flagship conferences...

From My Biased Coin


This week I got my batches of papers to review for NSDI and LATIN. If I'm quiet for a while, I'm busy reading (and writing reviews). Needless to say, I didn't...

More Harvard Classes Available Online
From My Biased Coin

More Harvard Classes Available Online

Thanks to the Harvard Extension School, the lectures for several more Harvard courses have been put online. My understanding is that these are classes taught at...

Job Competitions
From My Biased Coin

Job Competitions

Stefan Savage made an insightful comment related to the issue of jobs: I've long felt that its a fallacy that there exists a fine-grained Platonic ideal of "goodness"...

"Core" TCS
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"Core" TCS

Enough time has perhaps passed from Mihai's controversial post to consider, constructively I hope, some of the comments that arose here on this blog from it.One...

Semantic Communication, Madhu Sudan
From My Biased Coin

Semantic Communication, Madhu Sudan

Madhu Sudan gave a colloquium at Harvard yesterday on his work on Universal Semantic Communication and Goal-Oriented Communication (both with Brendan Juba, thehere...

GPU News
From My Biased Coin

GPU News

Since I've now co-authored a paper on GPUs, I'm now "in-the-loop" (thanks to my co-author John Owens) on the news of NVIDIA's announcement of its "next generation"...

From My Biased Coin


Harvard is putting the lectures (and other materials) online for a fantastic course, Justice, taught by Michael Sandel. It's a class on moral reasoning, exactly...

Blog Posts of the Day
From My Biased Coin

Blog Posts of the Day

A blog post worth reading is Mihai Patrascu's post on, essentially, coming in second, if only for the chance to play armchair psychologist and try to deconstruct...

UC President Interview
From My Biased Coin

UC President Interview

Luca Trevisan points to this NY Times Magazine interview with UC president Mark Yudof. Is it just me, or is this guy just completely tone deaf to the current situation...

Extending the Sketching of Sketches Result
From My Biased Coin

Extending the Sketching of Sketches Result

I'm putting online a paper with Zhenming Liu and Kai-Min Chung (both graduate students at Harvard) that extends one of the results from Declaring Independence via...

Not Teaching / Double Teaching
From My Biased Coin

Not Teaching / Double Teaching

Last semester, for various reasons, I ended up "double-teaching", offering both my undergraduate algorithms class and my graduate network algorithms class. The...

FOCS Early Registration (A Tale of 3 Web Sites)
From My Biased Coin

FOCS Early Registration (A Tale of 3 Web Sites)

I was asked by the powers that be to remind everyone of the early registration deadline for FOCS 2009, which is October 1. Registration and hotel information can...
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