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Communications of the ACM



Magitti: The future of location apps from PARC?
From Putting People First

Magitti: The future of location apps from PARC?

Bo Begole, principal scientist and manager of PARC‘s (formerly Xerox PARC) Ubiquitous Computing Area, showed Richard MacManus of ReadWriteWeb an app that brings...

Interesting Links 8 November 2010
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 8 November 2010

Well we are really and truly into November now. Over the weekend we went back to Eastern Standard time in New Hampshire. The best thing about that is that for a...

? Challenging Intrusion
From Wild WebMink

? Challenging Intrusion

EPIC – EPIC v. DHS (Suspension of Body Scanner Program) EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a US group) has challenged the US government over the new...

From Computational Complexity

The FOCS Experience

You can now watch videos of the recent FOCS talks online. Glencora, who I had the pleasure of meeting at the conference, has her favorites. If you watch any, check...

About Face: Emotionally Effective Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

About Face: Emotionally Effective Advertising

Now Reading: About Face: The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising by Dan Hill.   Notably in chapter 4 he talks about focusing on faces.   This is a particularly useful...

The Element of Surprise
From The Noisy Channel

The Element of Surprise

Surprise is not a word that user interface designers typically like to hear. Indeed, the principle of least surprise (also called the principle of least astonishment)...

Recruiting for My Computer Science Classes
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Recruiting for My Computer Science Classes

As the budget woes continue in California, my thoughts are turning to recruiting. If a sufficient number of students do not sign-up for the two computer science...

? Overhaul
From Wild WebMink

? Overhaul

Lessig Calls For WIPO To Lead Overhaul Of Copyright System Excellent move from a very wise and capable scholar – I have huge respect for him. He is completely right...

The enabling city
From Putting People First

The enabling city

Italian social researcher Chiara Camponeschi has written a fascinating Creative-Commons licensed publication, The Enabling City: Place-Based Creative Problem-Solving...

Do people want location-based social networking?
From Putting People First

Do people want location-based social networking?

Social networks want to know your location. But it

Gap Promo Location Case Study
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gap Promo Location Case Study

An interesting case study in GigaOM  of the use of a location-based check-in capability. What this shows is that people still do not completely understand the concept...

Payment by SmartPhone at Starbucks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Payment by SmartPhone at Starbucks

Report of using a barcode based payment method via a IPhone at some Starbucks.  Once you have set it up you can use it to pay your bill via a displayed barcode. ...

? Imogen Heap at the Albert Hall
From Wild WebMink

? Imogen Heap at the Albert Hall

We were in London yesterday on our way back from a family celebration (congratulations Alastair!) and were lucky enough to have great tickets for Imogen Heap’s...

On Transforming the Healthcare Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Transforming the Healthcare Enterprise

Mark Montgomery of KYield on Transforming the Enterprise.  Read the entire newsletter at the link.  He provides his personal answer to the question:  How can information...

US News and World Report Drops Mailed Distribution
From The Eponymous Pickle

US News and World Report Drops Mailed Distribution

I recall reading USN&WR long ago and though I have dropped looking at it over the years.  I did have a fondness for it its existence.  That was not sufficient to...

Goodbye Google 411
From The Eponymous Pickle

Goodbye Google 411

I see that the Google 411 service is about to be dropped.  I had become accustomed to the ability to do  accurate hands-free local phone connections using it. Bing...

New Data Visualization Language
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Data Visualization Language

New to me in ReadWriteWeb:  A new data visualization language for non-programmers.  With the odd name: Impure.   The language is completely visual in natureIt's...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Costume
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Costume

Just in time for Halloween.

Content Strategy: no longer just the preserve of the web professional
From Putting People First

Content Strategy: no longer just the preserve of the web professional

Jeremy Baldwin, company director at Bright Blue Day, a full-service design and marketing agency in Dorset, UK, argues that we should stop talking about content...

The evolved user experience
From Putting People First

The evolved user experience

Alexander Negash, analytics and user experience manager at the American Cancer Society, discusses on UX Magazine how to adopt social technologies in user research...
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