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Learn from Old Spice
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learn from Old Spice

This received considerable publicity. Is it for everyone? Likely not, but it does indicate what can work: What Marketers Can Learn From the Old Spice 'Your Man'...

links for 2010-08-27
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-08-27

The long, sordid tale of Sun RPC, abbreviated somewhat, to protect the guily and the irresponsible. One of the long-running projects I had at Sun was to get the...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Journals

I got the following request from a reader. I have a question about TCS journals. As I am trying to follow your advice on being more diligent about journalizing...

From Wild WebMink

The debate over the demise of "Open Core" has led to a reprise of "which open source license is best" arguments again. But the real driving force is not the licence...

HCIR 2010: Bigger and Better than Ever!
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2010: Bigger and Better than Ever!

Last Sunday was HCIR 2010, the Fourth Annual Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, held at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, collocated...

Regulating the Use of Social Media Data
From Apophenia

Regulating the Use of Social Media Data

If you were to walk into my office, I’d have a pretty descent sense of your gender, your age, your race, and other identity markers. My knowledge wouldn’t be perfect...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Paul Gillin deftly discusses Millenials Coming soon to a cubical near you. I see the same behavior in my millenial children.

Weak Link between Popularity and Influence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Weak Link between Popularity and Influence

HP Researchers find only weak link between popularity and influence. " ... It is worth emphasizing that HP's studies are designed to the highest scientific standards...

From Computational Complexity

Cryptography if P = NP

Bill is at Barriers II in Princeton and promises a full report upon his return. Ask many computer scientists what happens if P = NP and you'll get the response...

links for 2010-08-26
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-08-26

Jabber Support at This is outstanding; I can now have WordPress ping me when someone comments on my blog (as well as subscribing to other blogs to...

Detecting Deception in Conference Calls
From Schneier on Security

Detecting Deception in Conference Calls

Research paper: Detecting Deceptive Discussions in Conference Calls, by David F. Larcker and Anastasia A. Zakolyukina. Abstract: We estimate classification models...

Making Calls from GMail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Calls from GMail

You can now make free calls to within the US and Canada from GMail. And make international calls at a low rate. If you have a Google Voice phone number you can...

From Computational Complexity

***SORELLE*** PHD!!/Workshop on Boolean Threshold Functions/NSF program

Three annoucements (the last two I was asked to post) ANNOUCEMENT 1: Congrads to fellow blogger ***SORELLE*** who got her PhD recently. I was on her committee...

? The Aggregator Is On
From Wild WebMink

? The Aggregator Is On

Just a reminder that, in addition to this blog, I still maintain an aggregator over at which collects all the posts I make from various places. If you...

IPhone Location App for Meijer
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPhone Location App for Meijer

A new location and promotion IPhone App for Meijer stores. I would much rather have one location standard for multiple stores. Another example of smartphone applications...

Achieving Marketplace 2.0
From The Eponymous Pickle

Achieving Marketplace 2.0

Tomorrow at 2 PM EDT: A free webinar on virtual e-procurement. Registration and more. I will attend and review.

Xerox Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Xerox Innovation

In HBR: How Xerox innovates with emerging markets brainpower.

AisleBuyer Eliminates Checkout Wait
From The Eponymous Pickle

AisleBuyer Eliminates Checkout Wait

An early collaboration between startup AisleBuyer and MagicBeans. Former colleage Andrew Paradies is the CEO. Previously mentioned here. Overall a very good idea...

Error Messages and Providing Information
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Error Messages and Providing Information

The most interesting error message I ever saw read something like

Conference/Journal Versions -- Transactions on Networking
From My Biased Coin

Conference/Journal Versions -- Transactions on Networking

I was recently asked to review a paper for Transactions on Networking, and noticed the following bit in the e-mail?Please note that while this paper may have had...
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