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Communications of the ACM



World's Fair Sparks the Future
From The Eponymous Pickle

World's Fair Sparks the Future

Wired article on the technology inspirations of the 1939 World's Fair. The WP post is also interesting. Was before my time, but I was inspired by the 1964/1965,...

Thank God for Out-of-Stocks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thank God for Out-of-Stocks

I was at a training meeting at a major manufacturer this week that emphasized retail design to decrease out of stocks. Herb Sorensen sees it differently.

Enormous Promise of Location
From The Eponymous Pickle

Enormous Promise of Location

Good piece in GigaOm, on the enormous promise of location. Good as an introductory piece to forward. I have been involved in a number of mapping, Geographical and...

A special report on television
From Putting People First

A special report on television

This week’s Economist contains a special report on television. The leader article presents television as the great survivor, which has coped well with technological...

Policy Highlights from Communications of the ACM - April 2010 (Vol. 53, No. 4)
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Policy Highlights from Communications of the ACM - April 2010 (Vol. 53, No. 4)

Below is a list of items with policy relevance from the April issue of Communications of the ACM. As always, much of the material in CACM is premium content, and...

Hypersonic Cruise Missiles
From Schneier on Security

Hypersonic Cruise Missiles

The U.S. is developing a weapon capable of striking anywhere on the planet within an hour. The article talks about the possibility of modifying Trident missiles...

ZapThink on KYield
From The Eponymous Pickle

ZapThink on KYield

I mention Kyield again, with which I am involved. The IT consulting firm Zapthink just did an overview of Kyield. Mark Montgomery, CEO of Kyield gives a detailed...

Consumer Loyalty with Foursquare
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consumer Loyalty with Foursquare

In the NYT, comments from FMI, another example of location-based loyalty: " ... Companies including PepsiCo and Starbucks are using the location-based Foursquare...

NJ Students Protest Budget Cuts
From Computer Science Teachers Association

NJ Students Protest Budget Cuts

On April 20, 2010, the school budget in my township was PASSED. In an average year, approximately 70% of school budgets in NJ are approved. On April 20, 2010, close...

From Apophenia

I gave today’s opening keynote at the WWW Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina.

From Computational Complexity


Announcements: STOC Early Registration closes on April 30. STOC itself is June 6,7,8. CCC Early Registration closes May 3. CCC itself is June 9,10,11. EC Early...

Checking in to Objects
From The Eponymous Pickle

Checking in to Objects

I have mentioned the concept before, 'checking in' to objects rather than locations. Adage mentions it in a recent post. The Stickybits App is one of the first...

Smell Sensors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smell Sensors

The idea is not new, creating a smell profile and using sensors to find it. Some new directions.

? Boosters and Detractors 2.0
From Wild WebMink

? Boosters and Detractors 2.0

Web 2.0 gives with one hand and takes away with the other.

Frank Furedi on Worst-Case Thinking
From Schneier on Security

Frank Furedi on Worst-Case Thinking

Nice essay by sociologist Frank Furedi on worse-case thinking, exemplified by our reaction to the Icelandic volcano: I am not a natural scientist, and I claim...

CRA-W Grad Cohort: Finding a Research Topic
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

CRA-W Grad Cohort: Finding a Research Topic

What makes a topic appropriate for a PhD dissertation? What is and isn't computer science research? What should you do when you're stuck? All these questions and...

The data-driven life
From Putting People First

The data-driven life

Gary Wolf reflects in the upcoming New York Times Magazine on what happens when technology can analyze “every quotidian thing that happened to you today.” “Numbers...

Two new articles on RFID interaction
From Putting People First

Two new articles on RFID interaction

Timo Arnall, the acclaimed interaction designer, alerts us to the fact that Touch project PhD researcher Kjetil Nordby has just published two journal articles on...

Cellphone payments offer alternative to cash
From Putting People First

Cellphone payments offer alternative to cash

The New York Times reports on how a number of big and small companies

Analytics Strategy Paper  from Clario
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Strategy Paper from Clario

I have mentioned Clario in this space several times and have done some simple tests, they have published a new White paper on Analytics integration, short but useful...
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