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Micro Industries Retail Signage Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Micro Industries Retail Signage Blog

Micro Industries, who contributed advanced digital signage to our innovation centers, has just added a blog to their site. A number of posts have been made, including...

Things Tweet
From The Eponymous Pickle

Things Tweet

Twitter is starting to animate things in the evolving 'Internet of Things'. Seems like a very trivial way to talk about interaction of people and things. Some interesting...

I'll be in Second Life Tonight
From Schneier on Security

I'll be in Second Life Tonight

James Fallows and I are being interviewed in Second Life tonight, 9:00 PM Eastern Time.

Cheap e-Book Reading Devices
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cheap e-Book Reading Devices

It's not unexpected, relatively inexpensive uni purpose e-book reading devices emerging. Not unlike the very inexpensive calculators that also emerged in the 1980s...

Do Contests Promote Computer Science?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Do Contests Promote Computer Science?

I am just coming off the spring local programming contest circuit, as many of the nearby universities held their contest during their spring break. Unfortunately...

OSTP proposes initiative for student-led innovations in broadband apps
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

OSTP proposes initiative for student-led innovations in broadband apps

The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy seeks comments on a proposed initiative for student-led innovations in broadband applications. In doing so...

Curriculum, Companies, Cooperation and Conflict
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Curriculum, Companies, Cooperation and Conflict

Where does curriculum come from? Where should it come from? What involvement should industry in general have in creating curriculum? These are all questions suggested...

How to Become a Nuclear Power
From Schneier on Security

How to Become a Nuclear Power

Sarcastic, yet a bit too close to the truth.

Privacy in the Era of DIgital Glass Houses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Privacy in the Era of DIgital Glass Houses

In CACM: ' ... As the boundaries for privacy have been redrawn by the connected world, the social norms and legal support structure that we count on to preserve...

? OSI Opposes BBC DRM
From Wild WebMink

? OSI Opposes BBC DRM

OSI joins the Open Rights Group in opposing the introduction of DRM to UK broadcast TV.

Natural Language Shellcode
From Schneier on Security

Natural Language Shellcode

Nice: In this paper we revisit the assumption that shellcode need be fundamentally different in structure than non-executable data. Specifically, we elucidate...

A Look at Metcalfe's Law
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at Metcalfe's Law

A look at long quoted Metcale'e law, about how value grows as networks grow. It has been the 'rule' of Web 2.0, in GigaOm:' ... Networks

? Broken Democracy
From Wild WebMink

? Broken Democracy

Italian democracy, citizen surveillance, DRM from the BBC and even the BCS rejecting a petition. May I get depressed?

Africa Calling: can mobile phones make a miracle?
From Putting People First

Africa Calling: can mobile phones make a miracle?

Africa Calling: Can Mobile Phones Make a Miracle? is the title of a long article by Jenny C. Aker (Assistant Professor, The Fletcher School) and Isaac M. Mbiti...

Book: Ubiquitous computing user experience design
From Putting People First

Book: Ubiquitous computing user experience design

At Lift France 09, Mike Kuniavsky spoke about Changing Things: Fab Labs, towards decentralized design and production of material products (link to 25 min. video)...

Successful service design
From Putting People First

Successful service design

Successful Service Design: Turning Innovation Into Practice is a website created by the UK’s Cabinet Office that provides a robust guide to service design. The...

From Computational Complexity

Laci Babai Turns 60

I'm at Ohio State for the Combinatorics, Groups, Algorithms, and Complexity Conference in honor of Laci Babai's 60th birthday. An incredible turn out with 74 talks...

How social networks influence our behaviours
From Putting People First

How social networks influence our behaviours

Are some behaviours more contagious than others? This is the question that Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler address in their book, Connected: The Surprising...

Making design research less of a mystery
From Putting People First

Making design research less of a mystery

David Sherwin argues in his blog that there are a few eerie similarities between the plotting of mystery novels and how designers should document design research...

Can you design a service?
From Putting People First

Can you design a service?

Jeff Howard alerts us in his “Design for Service” blog to the publication “Can You Design a Service?” by the Danish agency 1508. “Six brief case studies showcase...
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