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Communications of the ACM



BART Examines the Use of Augmented Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

BART Examines the Use of Augmented Reality

I have done some examining of the Junaio package here recently, which permits the overlay of information on top of 3D reality representations on smart phones. Lisa...

FOCUS identifies
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

FOCUS identifies

Not Afraid to Make Mistakes
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Not Afraid to Make Mistakes

Imagine what you would be able to come up with if you were not afraid of making mistakes. Think of the creative results you might see when getting it wrong theTerri...

Avoiding the Hype Virus
From The Eponymous Pickle

Avoiding the Hype Virus

Most readers of this blog are early adopters of technology. In the past we would have had to go to a computer store or mail order something to try it out. Now within...

Wikibooks Cryptography Textbook
From Schneier on Security

Wikibooks Cryptography Textbook

Over at Wikibooks, they're trying to write an open source cryptography textbook.

Has the Spam War Been Won?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Has the Spam War Been Won?

From the CACM Blog. I still certainly still see lots of Spam.-

Google Opens Apps Marketplace
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Opens Apps Marketplace

Another very innovative idea out of Google: . " ... Google launched on Tuesday evening Google Apps Marketplace, providing a venue for third-party, cloud-based applications...

From Computational Complexity

Theorems that you simply don't believe

There are some theorems that are surprising. I've already blogged on that (I can't seem to find the link). However, there are some theorems that some people simply...

Wanted: Trust Detector
From Schneier on Security

Wanted: Trust Detector

It's good to dream: IARPA's five-year plan aims to design experiments that can measure trust with high certainty -- a tricky proposition for a psychological study...

Elegant technologies for complex lives
From Putting People First

Elegant technologies for complex lives

The Socio-Digital Systems (SDS) group of Microsoft Research aims to use an understanding of human values to help to change the technological landscape in the 21st...

BBC on the future of the internet
From Putting People First

BBC on the future of the internet

Twenty years after the emergence of the world wide web, Rory Cellan-Jones of the BBC World Service’s Discovery series looks at the science driving its third decade...

From Putting People First


Among cell-phone users in developed countries, IBM is betting the market with the biggest growth potential is…people over the age of 65. Fast Company reports. IBM’s...

NRC Prize for Cyberdeterrence
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NRC Prize for Cyberdeterrence

At the request of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the National Research Council (NRC) is undertaking a project entitled

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A CACM “Viewpoints” column by Cameron Wilson (ACM) and Peter Harsha (CRA), inspired by the Transition Team white papers commissioned by the Computing Community...

Computing Architecture Workshop
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computing Architecture Workshop

In the area of Computing Architectures there are some well known discontinuity-inducing trends staring us in the face. The entire computing community is planning...

Turning on a Paradigm
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Turning on a Paradigm


CG Direct Selling to the Consumer
From The Eponymous Pickle

CG Direct Selling to the Consumer

In StoreFrontBackTalk, a discussion of manufacturers direct selling to consumers online. This has been avoided for a long time in big CG to avoid antagonizing the...

Nose Biometrics
From Schneier on Security

Nose Biometrics

Really: Since they are hard to conceal, the study says, noses would work well for identification in covert surveillance. The researchers say noses have been overlooked...

A Conflict Question
From My Biased Coin

A Conflict Question

I was recently asked the following question:Suppose you're the PC chair, and someone who has submitted a paper asks you NOT to have the paper reviewed by a specific...

Mindspace: Influencing behaviour through public policy
From Putting People First

Mindspace: Influencing behaviour through public policy

New insights from science and behaviour change could lead to significantly improved outcomes, and at a lower cost, than the way many conventional policy tools are...
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