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Communications of the ACM



From Computational Complexity

The Molly Solution

This week Bill and I are both at the Dagstuhl Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Computation Complexity. I'll try to cover some of the talks and discussions on the...

Chart Understanding Versus Complexity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chart Understanding Versus Complexity

Continuing the topic of chart simplicity and understanding, Junk Charts looks at four charts of economic data and how they can be compared for impact and understanding...

links for 2009-10-12
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-12

What Caused the Sidekick Fail? "Microsoft was upgrading their SAN (Storage Area Network aka the thing that stores all your data)...

Using Wi-fi to "See" Through Walls
From Schneier on Security

Using Wi-fi to "See" Through Walls


Bringing internet video services to the living room TV set
From Putting People First

Bringing internet video services to the living room TV set

More details are emerging about Project Canvas, the ambitious joint venture by the BBC, ITV, Five and BT to bring internet video services such as the iPlayer from...

Examples of Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Examples of Visualization

A number of interesting visualizations of data. The original piece is 50 great examples of data visualization. There is no doubt that these are colorful, finely...

Our ever evolving online communication patterns
From Putting People First

Our ever evolving online communication patterns

Both the Wall Street Journal and Techcrunch devote extensive space today to our ever evolving online communication patterns. The Wall Street Journal looks at how...

Neuromarketing Ethics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing Ethics

In Forbes an interesting piece on bioethics and neuroscience topics: Is My Mind Mine?. The author Paul Root Wolpe, .... is editor of the American Journal of Bioethics...

Make it About the Customer
From The Eponymous Pickle

Make it About the Customer

In the NYT Magazine: Faster Slow Food, by Mark Bittman. I read his blog. As a foodie and cook myself and a rampant technologist, this brings my two great obsessions...

Reviewing the
From Putting People First

Reviewing the

Dan Hill (ARUP) wrote a long review of the ‘Toward the Sentient City’ exhibition curated by Mark Shepard and organised by the Architectural League of New York. “This...

links for 2009-10-11
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-10-11

Your Company Could Win $10 Million! Big, bold, brash, brazen, this is the red future awaiting Sun. (tags: Oracle...

Faceted Search Book: Now At Half Price!
From The Noisy Channel

Faceted Search Book: Now At Half Price!

Webinars for Professional Development
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Webinars for Professional Development

I have given webinars this fall using WebEx ( and Elluminate ( I used WebEx during a webinar for Pearson on Alice...

On using design to influence behaviour
From Putting People First

On using design to influence behaviour

Dan Lockton of Brunel University (UK), who runs a blog called Design with Intent, which focuses on strategic design that

Adobe Mobile Offering
From The Eponymous Pickle

Adobe Mobile Offering

I tried the free Adobe offering for the IPhone today. Its a simple set of touch-up capabilities for your pictures. Its the kind of capability that you now expect...

The psychology of Google Wave
From Putting People First

The psychology of Google Wave

Most talk about Google Wave is focussed on technology, not people. Tom Simonite attempts to change the discourse with his article in The New Scientist. “The cultural...

On the Tribalization of Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Tribalization of Business

SNCR and Deloitte announce the following study of interest, Includes downloadable study and a link to an upcoming webinar on the topic. ' ... Deloitte LLP

At your service
From Putting People First

At your service

Damian Kernahan of Proto Partners asks in Fast Thinking, an Australian innovation quarterly, why service organisations don

? Names Matter
From Wild WebMink

? Names Matter

Open Core: The worst of both worlds "Open core tries to find a middle ground between proprietary software and free software, but...

Google Is Sharpening Its Squares
From The Noisy Channel

Google Is Sharpening Its Squares

As some of you may remember, I’m excited about Google Squared, a project I see as a great first step toward exploratory search at a web scale. Yes, I know that...
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