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Communications of the ACM



From chasm to convergence
From Putting People First

From chasm to convergence

Johnathan Bonnell and Jason Theodor explain in a two part series on Experience Matters how technology is increasingly closing the gap between manufacturers and...

Reminder: HCIR 2009 Submission Deadline is August 24th!
From The Noisy Channel

Reminder: HCIR 2009 Submission Deadline is August 24th!

SIGIR 2009: Day 3, Industry Track: Vendor Panel
From The Noisy Channel

SIGIR 2009: Day 3, Industry Track: Vendor Panel

The last session of the SIGIR 2009 Industry Track was the enterprise search vendor panel. Originally, I’d hoped to have CTOs (or the equivalent) from Autonomy,...

Quickline in Grocery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Quickline in Grocery

Always wondered why the 'Quick line' used for a long time in banks and elsewhere, had not been tried in grocery. Now Hannford Bros is trying it out. The obvious...

Book: The myth of digital democracy
From Putting People First

Book: The myth of digital democracy

The Myth of Digital Democracy by Matthew Hindman Princeton University Press, 2008 Paperback, 198 pages Abstract: Is the Internet democratizing American politics...

Learning from games: a language for designing emotion
From Putting People First

Learning from games: a language for designing emotion

Joe Lamantia, an Amsterdam based experience architect, discussed the role of emotion in game design. In his article, Lamantia draws heavily on the work by Nicole...

SIGIR 2009: Day 3, Industry Track: Analyst Panel
From The Noisy Channel

SIGIR 2009: Day 3, Industry Track: Analyst Panel

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of August 3
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of August 3

August 6 Meeting: The President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology (PCAST) will hold its initial meeting (PDF) of the Obama Administration (continues...

Technology will allow us to become digital nomads
From Putting People First

Technology will allow us to become digital nomads

Technology pundit Mike Elgan says on Nokia’s IdeasProject that we’re evolving a new paradigm for the workplace as technology makes it easier for white collar workers...

From Putting People First



Samsung Smart Cameras
From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung Smart Cameras

Samsung claims that it will soon revolutionize the way that people take pictures with their smart cameras, called tap and take, to be released later this month....

IBM and Predictive Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM and Predictive Analytics

More on IBM's acquisition of SPSS. IBM has always been known for its analytics work. As early as the late 1960s we used IBM optimization software to improve the...

SIGIR 2009: Day 3, Industry Track: Nick Craswell
From The Noisy Channel

SIGIR 2009: Day 3, Industry Track: Nick Craswell

An Apology to Vijay Gill
From The Noisy Channel

An Apology to Vijay Gill

SIGIR 2009: Day 3, Industry Track: Evan Sandhaus
From The Noisy Channel

SIGIR 2009: Day 3, Industry Track: Evan Sandhaus

Are Academic Conferences Broken? Can We Fix Them?
From The Noisy Channel

Are Academic Conferences Broken? Can We Fix Them?

American Time Use Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

American Time Use Visualization

From Junk Charts ... a good example of visualization. Pointing to the NYT's visualization of US consumers use of time. ' ... (Apparently, thousands of people recalled...

Why I hardly ever blog about my ongoing research
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Why I hardly ever blog about my ongoing research

When I started my blog in 2004, my goal was to blog about my research. It never happened. You may think that I am afraid a reader could steal my ideas, or that...

Deeping in Deep Sea Fault Zones
From The Eponymous Pickle

Deeping in Deep Sea Fault Zones

Scientists Drill a Mile Into Active Deep Sea Fault Zone. Not for oil, but for science. Trying to understand subduction zones and earthquakes. Reminds me of project...

Interview with Eric von Hippel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Interview with Eric von Hippel

The Open-Minded Professor - An Interview with Eric von Hippel, MIT
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