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From The Noisy Channel


Now this is the sort of publicity that even $100M can’t buy: the New York Post is reporting that, in response to Microsoft’s recent Bing launch, “FEAR GRIPS GOOGLE”...

Name Trends in Wolfram Alpha
From The Eponymous Pickle

Name Trends in Wolfram Alpha

One unexpected thing you can do with the WolframAlpha computational search engine is to determine naming trends. Fascinating, yes, but also a bit of minutiae as...

Taking Another Look at Flu Model Accuracy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Taking Another Look at Flu Model Accuracy

A while back I mentioned the inaccuracy of recent very sophisticated flu models and my general theories about how these models can go wrong. Continue to think about...

Michalski talk on Bing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Michalski talk on Bing

Jerry Michalski ... Microsoft recently re-set its search service, rebranding it as Bing and calling it a "decision engine." It does do a few things better, such...

Italians say goodbye to property
From Putting People First

Italians say goodbye to property

Kindle in Business
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kindle in Business

I have followed readers for a number of years now. tested the Sony. Never been completely impressed. A convenience at the beach perhaps, if you can read through...

Tagging and Sharing Images
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tagging and Sharing Images

Image Spark:- Discover, tag, share, converge images that inspire your and your work. This is a good description of what I have always wanted to do with images...

links for 2009-06-13
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-06-13

VirtualBox Premium Edition: Delighted to see VirtualBox showing up as a retail item. Yes, those of us who know can...

In South Korea, all of life is mobile
From Putting People First

In South Korea, all of life is mobile

Somehow I missed out on this 24 May New York Times article about South Korea being the test case for the mobile future, thanks to its high-speed wireless networks...

Bill Thompson, BBC tech art critic at the Venice Biennale
From Putting People First

Bill Thompson, BBC tech art critic at the Venice Biennale

Bill Thompson, back from the Venice Biennale, reflects on digital art and its relationship with technology. “While there was a lot of interesting art, I saw little...

What will mobile phones look like 10 years from now?
From Putting People First

What will mobile phones look like 10 years from now?

When Fast Company asked some people in the industry what mobile phones will look like 10 years from now, the first couple of answers seem to reinforce my gut feeling...

Reflections on ethnography in the new issue of Stanford
From Putting People First

Reflections on ethnography in the new issue of Stanford

The latest issue of Ambidextrous, Stanford University’s journal of design, has just been published. The issue is entirely online. Two of my favourite articles: Mind...

Some shameful facts about myself
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Some shameful facts about myself

In 2003, I predicted that it would take decades before videoconferencing became cheap enough for home users. I do not know my own telephone number or postal code...

Guest Post at the Federated Search Blog
From The Noisy Channel

Guest Post at the Federated Search Blog

I wrote a guest post at Sol Lederman’s Federated Search blog entitled “The Problem with Federated Search“. Here’s an excerpt: The case for federated search is straightforward...

Design Books
From The Eponymous Pickle

Design Books

Influential books on design in Karl Vrdenburgs' blog. Good, mind stretching examples.

Not Tried Twitter?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Not Tried Twitter?

For those of you that have not yet tried Twitter, and there are many that still answer with a scowl of seriousness when asked if they participate. I suggest using...

The participatory web
From Putting People First

The participatory web

Web 2.0 solutions offer people in rural areas a platform for networking and knowledge exchange. This brochure, published by GTZ, provides a systematic overview...

Open innovation inside Nokia
From Putting People First

Open innovation inside Nokia

With faith that smart ideas will prevail, Nokia urges workers to say what’s on their minds

Death to the 3-hour exam
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Death to the 3-hour exam

As an undergraduate student, I hated the 3-hour exams. But I knew how to do well on them. The secret? Get your hands on all exams from the last ten years for this...

R&D 2.0: fewer engineers, more anthropologists
From Putting People First

R&D 2.0: fewer engineers, more anthropologists

Navi Radjou argues on the Voices blog that R&D in emerging markets needs fewer engineers and more anthropologists. “To effectively identify...
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