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Mike Kuniavsky detangling the meanings around the design of services
From Putting People First

Mike Kuniavsky detangling the meanings around the design of services

Mike Kuniavsky (ThingM) is currently writing a ubicomp user experience design book. He just posted a few tidbits on service design: “There are two fundamental ways...

Pachube: connecting environments, patching the planet
From Putting People First

Pachube: connecting environments, patching the planet

Pachube is a web service that enables you to connect, tag and share real time sensor data from objects, devices, buildings and environments around the world. The...

Important Things in Social Media
From The Eponymous Pickle

Important Things in Social Media

I see that former (in two enterprises) colleague Krista Neher is now CEO at Marketess Consulting where she just posted an item:

Mass Customization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mass Customization

Will mass customization work better during financial crises?-

Penguin Names new Sr.VP and General
From insideHPC

Penguin Names new Sr.VP and General

Penguin Computing has announced that it has named Tom Coull a senior vice president and general manager.

NVIDIA Names New Chief
From insideHPC

NVIDIA Names New Chief

NVIDIA has announced that it has named a new Chief Scientist/VP of Research.

From insideHPC


Sun announced this week that it’s opened a new energy efficient data center in Broomfield, Colorado. Responding to market demand for more energy-efficient datacenters...

Marketing Execs Say Use Fewer Numbers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Execs Say Use Fewer Numbers

In Adage, This is a dangerous way to fool yourself. The worst cases I have seen of research misapplied is when researchers find what they are looking for, emotionally...

IBM Lays of 2,800, More on the
From insideHPC

IBM Lays of 2,800, More on the

Yesterday, IBM announced that they have laid off some 2,800 employees.

Sun announces Q2, posts
From insideHPC

Sun announces Q2, posts

Sun announced its Q2 results for fiscal 2009 this week with both revenues and margin down year over year, but up slightly from Q1 Revenues for the second quarter...

HPCwire comments: AMD
From insideHPC

HPCwire comments: AMD

There is lots of news about AMD’s new Shanghai processors (details on AMD’s own site), so in addition to vectoring you that way (for example, The Register) I’ll...

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI)
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI)


IBM opens scientific cloud project in
From insideHPC

IBM opens scientific cloud project in

IBM has announced three new efforts that are taking advantage of its cloud computing platform for scientific computations. The first effort is working with universities...

New SiCortex in
From insideHPC

New SiCortex in

SiCortex has announced that the University of Madgeburg in Germany will install its big boy SC5832 This leading German university will use its new computer to further...

Euro grid takes another
From insideHPC

Euro grid takes another

As reported at HPCwire, the European Grid Initiative (EGI) has taken another step forward The EGI Blueprint, which details the implementation of the EGI Organization’s...

Senate focuses on different priorities in 2009 stimulus than
From insideHPC

Senate focuses on different priorities in 2009 stimulus than

The CRA Policy Blog reports that the highlights from the Senate version of the 2009 stimulus bill (reported on earlier) are in. As the post details, the Senate...

ScaleMP Announces Product
From insideHPC

ScaleMP Announces Product

ScaleMP announced today that their vSMP Foundation software will not support larger memory configurations and a new large cluster licensing option.

From Springenwerk Blog

Ruby Script to Inline JavaScript and CSS

MySpace requires that OpenSocial applications don

REvolution Computes Makes `R` Available for
From insideHPC

REvolution Computes Makes `R` Available for

REvolution Computing has announced today that they have made a public version of this REvolution R statistical analysis program available for download.

Collaborative Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaborative Analytics

Have never head this called called collaborative analytics, but rather a process to deliver analytical methods. Still a good article on the idea. " ... Collaborative...
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