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Communications of the ACM



Kroger to Take Bitcoin?   ....  NO!
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger to Take Bitcoin? .... NO!

Having  worked with Kroger was stunned by this earlier today, consider the implications.  But no was a hoax.  To influence share prices?   Walmart had earlier been...

Practical Holograms?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Practical Holograms?

Ever since seeing early versions of holographic images ay Disney World have thought of their uses, both in interaction with consumers, and as a means to graphically...

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality

  Some optimistic views but challenges still exist, good overview.Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality,  By Samuel GreengardCommunications of the ACM, November 2021...

Tales of Grace Hopper
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tales of Grace Hopper

Told of my own minor interactions with Grace Hopper at the Pentagon, towards the end of her career,  here is more:Grace Hopper, Minicomputers, and Megabytes: It's...

How Many Ways to Make a Dollar
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How Many Ways to Make a Dollar

I ran into a reminder of an interesting programming problem the other day. One I meant to use with students but never did. Other teachers I know do use it. Simply...

Register for This Year’s Final Departmental BPC Plan Working Session
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Register for This Year’s Final Departmental BPC Plan Working Session

The BPCnet Resource Portal is an initiative by the Computing Research Association with support from the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Computer...

Example of Key Health IOT
From The Eponymous Pickle

Example of Key Health IOT

Have become educated in advanced BP measurement lately which led me to note this IOT example. And the need for it.    Note this is something in progress, as yet...

Impact  of Covid on Automation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Impact of Covid on Automation

Wladowsky-Berger does a good job in covering the topic:Impact of Covid-19 on Job Automation“Why are there still so many jobs?,” asked MIT economist David AutorAs...

Young People Get Their Knowledge of Tech From TV, Not School
From The Eponymous Pickle

Young People Get Their Knowledge of Tech From TV, Not School

Young People Get Their Knowledge of Tech Careers From TV, Not SchoolZDNet, Liam Tung, August 6, 2021(Note this is about careers, not the tech itself,   Assume its...

HotNets Presentation : Zero-CPU Collection with Direct Telemetry Access
From My Biased Coin

HotNets Presentation : Zero-CPU Collection with Direct Telemetry Access

HotNets has asked that we let people know that the 2021 presentations are available here.  I'm using that an excuse to highlight our paper on Zero-CPU Collection...

SciDAC: DOE Funding $30M Opportunity Using HPC for High Energy Physics Research
From insideHPC

SciDAC: DOE Funding $30M Opportunity Using HPC for High Energy Physics Research

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $30 million for research in computation and simulation techniques and tools “to understand the universe via...

MIT: Forcing ML Models to Avoid Shortcuts (and Use More Data) for Better Predictions
From insideHPC

MIT: Forcing ML Models to Avoid Shortcuts (and Use More Data) for Better Predictions

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — If your Uber driver takes a shortcut, you might get to your destination faster. But if a machine learning model takes a shortcut, it might fail...

Nov. 4 Chicago Quantum Summit to Focus on Quantum Ecosystems
From insideHPC

Nov. 4 Chicago Quantum Summit to Focus on Quantum Ecosystems

CHICAGO — Experts in quantum science and technology from around the globe will gather tomorrow, November 4, both virtually and in person, for the fourth annual Chicago...

Best Practices on Using the Cloud for Computing Research
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Best Practices on Using the Cloud for Computing Research

In July 2021, the Computing Research Association’s (CRA) newly formed Industry Committee (CRA-I) launched a series of 75-minute virtual roundtables to initiate...

Edge Computing and Healthcare
From The Eponymous Pickle

Edge Computing and Healthcare

Many applications and emerging possibilities.How Edge Computing is Transforming HealthcareBy Vanessa BraunsteinWhen analyzing healthcare and life science data from...

From Computational Complexity

A Complexity View of Machine Learning?

Complexity is at its best when it models new technologies so we can study it in a principled way. Quantum computing comes to mind as a good relatively recent example...

DOE to Provide $10M for Climate and Earth System Modeling Research
From insideHPC

DOE to Provide $10M for Climate and Earth System Modeling Research

Nov. 2, 2021 — Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced plans to provide $10 million for new grants to universities, other academic institutions, non...

Stop spending so much time being trolled by billionaire corporations!
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Stop spending so much time being trolled by billionaire corporations!

As a kid, my parents would open the television set, and we would get to watch whatever the state television decided we would watch. It was a push model. Some experts...

Words vs Images?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Words vs Images?

Considering WorthNot Worth a Thousand Words     By Bertrand Meyer October 12, 2021Three minutes into my talk at my first meeting of the IFIP working group on programming...

Businesses Offerred OpenAI By Microsoft.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Businesses Offerred OpenAI By Microsoft.

Microsoft built an API for its use.   Seems it needs some cautions due to liability.Microsoft is giving businesses access to OpenAI’s powerful AI language model...
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