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Riken Claims Quantum Breakthrough: Entanglement of Three Spin Qubits
From insideHPC

Riken Claims Quantum Breakthrough: Entanglement of Three Spin Qubits

Researchers at Japan’s RIKEN scientific research institute have claimed a breakthrough in quantum computing, increasing the number of silicon-based qubits thatRiken...

Hybrid Smart Contracts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hybrid Smart Contracts

 Uses and considerations:5 Ways Hybrid Smart Contracts Are Changing the Blockchain Industry  by 7wDataFor years, the blockchain industry has been defined by the...

Friday Squid Blogging: Ram’s Horn Squid Shells
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Ram’s Horn Squid Shells

You can find ram’s horn squid shells on beaches in Texas (and presumably elsewhere). As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories...

AI  Driven Video to Enhance Work Environment?
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Driven Video to Enhance Work Environment?

Seen hints of this in my increased use of  Youtube for keeping connected with tech changes.    Of course it is Google that is controlling the details of the AIHow...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Happy UnBirthday Ken

Mad Hatter: Now, statistics prove, prove that you’ve one birthday. March Hare: Imagine, just one birthday every year. Mad Hatter: Ah, but there are three hundred...

Quantum Computer Race in China
From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Computer Race in China

 Why and in what direction?Competing Visions Underpin China’s Quantum Computer Race Alibaba builds their own qubits, Baidu remains quantum hardware-agnostic By ...

Cerebras Alliance Offers CS-2 AI Supercomputer as Cloud Service
From insideHPC

Cerebras Alliance Offers CS-2 AI Supercomputer as Cloud Service

High performance AI chip maker Cerebras, maker of the Wafer-Scale Engine, the world’s largest computer chip, today announced Cerebras Cloud @ Cirrascale, delivering...

Zero-Click iMessage Exploit
From Schneier on Security

Zero-Click iMessage Exploit

Citizen Lab released a report on a zero-click iMessage exploit that is used in NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware. Apple patched the vulnerability; everyone needs to update...

Human Brain Project’s EBRAINS Shares Laptop-to-Supercomputer Brain Simulator
From insideHPC

Human Brain Project’s EBRAINS Shares Laptop-to-Supercomputer Brain Simulator

EBRAINS, a new digital research infrastructure set up by the EU-funded Human Brain Project, has made available a brain simulation software, called NEST 3, for use...

Indian Institute of Tech, Max-Born Institut Team Say Graphene Valleytrionics Could Enable Room Temperature Quantum
From insideHPC

Indian Institute of Tech, Max-Born Institut Team Say Graphene Valleytrionics Could Enable Room Temperature Quantum

A research team from the Indian Institute of Technology and Max-Born Institute of Germany have published a study on a novel approach for encoding quantum information...

Better Fusion Power with AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Better Fusion Power with AI

More moves towards fusion.Can AI Make a Better Fusion Reactor? Nuclear physics may be one of machine learning's newest frontiers  Rebecca SohnSince the 1940s, physicists...

McKinsey On Autonomous Plants
From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey On Autonomous Plants

The autonomous plant: Entering a new digital era  September 10, 2021 | Article  McKinseyBy Gopal Chakrabarti, Dominik Don, Micah Smith, and Premal VoraThe autonomous...

CoolIT Systems Launches High-Density HPC and HCI Servers with Gigabyte
From insideHPC

CoolIT Systems Launches High-Density HPC and HCI Servers with Gigabyte

Calgary, Alberta. September 16, 2021 – CoolIT Systems Inc., a maker of modular, scalable data center liquid cooling technology, has announced a joint product launch...

ALCF, IIT Team Develops Benchmark for Scientific Deep Learning Efficiency
From insideHPC

ALCF, IIT Team Develops Benchmark for Scientific Deep Learning Efficiency

The emergence of deep learning techniques has provided a new tool for accelerating scientific exploration and discoveries. A group of researchers from the Argonne...

HPC/AI in the Spotlight: Jensen Huang Named to Time Magazine’s Most Influential People List
From insideHPC

HPC/AI in the Spotlight: Jensen Huang Named to Time Magazine’s Most Influential People List

Estranged royalty, movie stars and Olympic athletes have influence, sure, but if you want to build a list of people with lasting impact then Time magazine got it...

Italian Data Protection Authority Queries Smart Glasses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Italian Data Protection Authority Queries Smart Glasses

 I thought there might be some regulatory push back on Facebook smart glasses that gather and store data and images, here perhaps the first case.    Italy DataReuters...

DOE Funds $13M Project for Adapting Scientific Software for HPC
From insideHPC

DOE Funds $13M Project for Adapting Scientific Software for HPC

A project involving researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and national lab and academic collaborators has received U.S. Department of Energy...

Upcoming Oct 19 deadline for NSF Graduate Research Fellowships: Applicants and Reviewers encouraged
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Upcoming Oct 19 deadline for NSF Graduate Research Fellowships: Applicants and Reviewers encouraged

The following is a letter to the community from Margaret Martonosi (Assistant Director) and JD Kundu (Deputy Assistant Director) of the National Science Foundation...

Whats Foundational AI?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Whats Foundational AI?

We worked with Stanford in the early days of AI.  Can't we all get along?  I like the idea of using foundational definitions to decide what to emphasize on next...

Arqit and Juniper Networks in Alliance to Address Quantum Security Threats to Networks
From insideHPC

Arqit and Juniper Networks in Alliance to Address Quantum Security Threats to Networks

London – September 15, 2021 – Arqit Quantum Inc. (“Arqit”), developer of quantum encryption technology and Juniper Networks, maker of AI-driven networks, have signed...
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