From Schneier on Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been billed as the next frontier of humanity: the newly available expanse whose exploration
B. Schneier| February 29, 2024
Nice excerpt from Martin Wallin’s book Squid.
As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.
Read...Bruce Schneier From Schneier on Security | April 28, 2021 at 04:15 PM
In this entertaining story of French serial criminal Rédoine Faïd and his jailbreaking ways, there’s this bit about cell phone surveillance:
After Faïd’s helicopter...Bruce Schneier From Schneier on Security | April 28, 2021 at 04:11 PM
If you know you are on the right track, if you have this inner knowledge, then nobody can turn you off no matter what they say—Barbara McClintock David Oxtoby is...rjlipton From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP | April 28, 2021 at 12:20 PM
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), IBM and Red Hat are combining to develop best practices for interfacing high-performance computing (HPC) schedulers...staff From insideHPC | April 28, 2021 at 12:15 PM
The division instruction is one of the most expensive instruction in your CPU. Thus optimizing compilers often compile divisions by known constants down to a multiplication...Daniel Lemire From Daniel Lemire's Blog | April 28, 2021 at 12:14 PM
Open Source + Embedded Linux Conference 2021 has been moved from Dublin, Ireland to Seattle, Washington, USA, due to the current state of COVID-19 vaccination rates...staff From insideHPC | April 28, 2021 at 11:53 AM
Though I imagine they could.Why Regulation Won’t Harm Cryptocurrencies From Knowledge @ Wharton, Apr 27, 2021 MIC LISTEN TO THE PODCAST:Wharton’s Brian Feinstein...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 28, 2021 at 10:53 AM
In this insideHPC technology guide, "How Expert Design Engineering and a Building Block Approach Can Give You a Perfectly Tailored AI, ML or HPC Environment,"we...staff From insideHPC | April 28, 2021 at 09:41 AM
Sorry, late to announce this, about to occur, will include some people I know from MIT. I plan to attend. You still may be able to register. I will provide...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 28, 2021 at 09:26 AM
Can see this useful for other kinds of 'labs', A lab is a business process with specific goals, and scientific constraints, like those we worked with. Better...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 28, 2021 at 09:05 AM
Tewksbury, MA., April 28, 2021 — Avery Design Systems, a functional verification solutions company, today announced that Astera Labs, a connectivity solutions for...staff From insideHPC | April 28, 2021 at 09:03 AM
Was slightly involved with an effort regarding patent trolls. Very long since I touched on this. Push obviousness. Like this approach. Agree its the way to...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 28, 2021 at 08:52 AM
Technical look at improvements in acceleration by better understanding computer instructions.A Tool for Navigating Complex Computer InstructionsMIT Computer Science...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 28, 2021 at 08:30 AM
SAN JOSE, April 28, 2021 – Excelero, a disruptor in software-defined storage for IO-intensive workloads such as GPU computing for AI/ML/DL, commercial HPC andExcelero...staff From insideHPC | April 28, 2021 at 03:01 AM
Brought to my recent attention:Pluribus Netvisor® ONE R6.1 Delivers Innovations in Data Center Fabric Scalability, Services and Automation and Expands Portfolio...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 27, 2021 at 11:40 PM
For a limited time, I am selling signed copies of Click Here to Kill Everybody in hardcover for just $6, plus shipping.
I have 600 copies of the book available....Bruce Schneier From Schneier on Security | April 27, 2021 at 09:22 PM
New concept to me, but very much emerging. This explains it.Quantum Sensing Takes Shape By Samuel GreengardCommissioned by CACM Staff, April 27, 2021" ...By...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 27, 2021 at 06:18 PM
Quite a considerable look at the problem. With video and overview. Hardly all encompassing, but a useful broad look at the problem.Implementing Insider Defenses...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 27, 2021 at 04:14 PM
April 27, 2021 — PRACE announced that its 22nd Call for Proposals for PRACE Project Access received 61 eligible proposals, of which 43 were awarded, a total ofPRACE...staff From insideHPC | April 27, 2021 at 03:19 PM
Had not heard of such a design. Pictures and some stats at the link.Origami based tires can change shape while a vehicle is moving by Bob Yirka , Tech Xplore...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | April 27, 2021 at 01:20 PM