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Communications of the ACM



Explaining Reinforcement Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Explaining Reinforcement Learning

 Been recently involved with reinforcement learning, and found this interesting.   I see some advances in this space worth following.  Especially in RL, you need...

Qumulo Extends Qumulo Protect Data Services with Commvault Integration  
From insideHPC

Qumulo Extends Qumulo Protect Data Services with Commvault Integration  

SEATTLE – March 9, 2021 – Qumulo, focused on enterprise file data management across hybrid-cloud environments, today announced a full integration with Commvault...

Intel Developing ASIC Accelerator for DARPA ‘Holy Grail’ Cybersecurity Project
From insideHPC

Intel Developing ASIC Accelerator for DARPA ‘Holy Grail’ Cybersecurity Project

Intel has joined the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Agency (DARPA) in a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) program that takes aim at the “holy grail” of cybersecurity...

Alexa Entities Build with Knowledge Graphs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Entities Build with Knowledge Graphs

Announcements in the Alexa Development blog about new means to connect knowledge graph data to voice interactions with Entities.    With code and Dev examples. ...

Computational Complexity and Quantum
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computational Complexity and Quantum

Computational complexity provides measures of how hard things are to compute.   Taught in many as part of analytics curriculum..   Which define classes of complexity...

From Computational Complexity

When do I need to warn about Spoilers?

In a recent post here I mentioned in passing a plot point from the last season of The Big Bang Theory. Note that the last season was in 2019.  WARNING- do not read...

Virtual ACM Celebrations of Women in Computing
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Virtual ACM Celebrations of Women in Computing

It has been a whole year since the pandemic suddenly changed our lives. Uncertainty has been the major obstacle hindering us from making plans. We never lost our...

On What Matters:  Cornerstones
From The Eponymous Pickle

On What Matters: Cornerstones

Below the intro, which links to the 'cornerstones',  good thoughts.   Certainly we discovered these in the enterprise, for new and older tech. Intelligent automation...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Advancing and Counting

Announcing tomorrow’s Women in Data Science workshop, plus a US State Department event for International Women’s Day (also March 8) Santa Fe Inst. external faculty...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Advancing and Counting

Announcing tomorrow’s Women in Data Science workshop (global start tonight 8pm ET), plus a US State Department event for International Women’s Day (also March 8)...

Sidewalk Robots Get Rights
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sidewalk Robots Get Rights

Coming changes in urban and suburban views.Sidewalk robots get legal rights as "pedestrians"   By Jennifer A. Kingson in AxiosAs small robots proliferate on sidewalks...

Non-Fungible, Blockchained, Unique and Expensive
From The Eponymous Pickle

Non-Fungible, Blockchained, Unique and Expensive

Don't fully understand this, but if someone is willing to pay for something provably unique?  The picture is shown at the link.How a 10-Second Video Clip Sold for...

Quantum Effect in Erasing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantum Effect in Erasing

Pondering the implications of this.The Demon Is in the Detail—Trinity Team Discovers Uniquely Quantum Effect in Erasing InformationTrinity College Dublin (Ireland)...

Science and Technology links (March 6th 2021)
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (March 6th 2021)

Increasing schooling does not improve social outcomes at a population level. Venitian glass was made near Venice as early as 450 BC. It spread worldwide through...

Material AI Invention and Discovery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Material AI Invention and Discovery

New directions in new material discovery.  As it mentions, AI-driven molecular driven platform that is said to invent new molecular structureIBM launches AI platform...

Stop Conversations Sooner?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stop Conversations Sooner?

Perhaps a guide for chatbots?  Or is the guide for them different?  Though like all such guides, and rules of thumb, depends highly on context.When Should You End...

Google to Stop Tracking Users for Targeted Ads
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google to Stop Tracking Users for Targeted Ads

Has long been done with cookies.  More recently has been more dangerously proposed via  'CName Collusion'  See:

On Not Fixing Old Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

On Not Fixing Old Vulnerabilities

How is this even possible? …26% of companies Positive Technologies tested were vulnerable to WannaCry, which was a threat years ago, and some even vulnerable to...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Cartoon
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Cartoon

Squid ink. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here...

Hacking Digitally Signed PDF Files
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Digitally Signed PDF Files

Interesting paper: “Shadow Attacks: Hiding and Replacing Content in Signed PDFs“: Abstract: Digitally signed PDFs are used in contracts and invoices to guarantee...
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