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OpenACC Names ORNL’s Jack Wells President, Updates OpenACC API
From insideHPC

OpenACC Names ORNL’s Jack Wells President, Updates OpenACC API

Jack Wells, director of strategic planning and performance management at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been named president of OpenACC, a nonprofit dedicated...

Cyber Public Health
From Schneier on Security

Cyber Public Health

In a lecture, Adam Shostack makes the case for a discipline of cyber public health. It would relate to cybersecurity in a similar way that public health relates...

AI Running Your Meetings
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI Running Your Meetings

 Well not quite yet.   But in our current situation there are lots of opportunity to test out exactly this idea.  And startups are establishing the first part,AI...

Capturing Words from Silent Speech
From The Eponymous Pickle

Capturing Words from Silent Speech

An Indication of how AI can become very powerful, even replacing the need for actual speech with mouthed muscle activity.  A kind of pattern recognition.UC Berkeley...

Using Human Cognitive Limitations to Enable New Systems
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Using Human Cognitive Limitations to Enable New Systems

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Vincent Conitzer, Kimberly J. Jenkins University Distinguished Professor of New Technologies Professor of Computer Science...

Using AI to See What Eye Doctors Can’t
From insideHPC

Using AI to See What Eye Doctors Can’t

This white paper, "Using AI to See What Eye Doctors Can’t," explains how Voxeleron, a leader in delivering advanced ophthalmic image analysis and machine learning...

Full Truck Alliance:   Uber Trucking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Full Truck Alliance: Uber Trucking

Full Truck Alliance, a Chinese startup which provides an Uber-like service for the trucking industry, raises $1.7B, source says at a ~$12B valuation (Lulu Yilun...

StoryFit Analyzes Stories for Understanding
From The Eponymous Pickle

StoryFit Analyzes Stories for Understanding

Again links to work we did for large advertisers using language analysis for marketing goals. Brought to my attention in a recent podcast on Artificial Intelligence...

CCC Executive Council Member Nadya Bliss on How to Build Resiliency to Disinformation
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Executive Council Member Nadya Bliss on How to Build Resiliency to Disinformation

Nadya Bliss, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Executive Council member and Executive Director of the Global Security Initiative (GSI), was recently interviewed...

Adapting Kiosks for the Pandemic
From The Eponymous Pickle

Adapting Kiosks for the Pandemic

 Another are we addressed in the innovation centers, kiosks.  Here a good article about how the Pandemic is making us think more about their useful operation.How...

On That Dusseldorf Hospital Ransomware Attack and the Resultant Death
From Schneier on Security

On That Dusseldorf Hospital Ransomware Attack and the Resultant Death

Wired has a detailed story about the ransomware attack on a Dusseldorf hospital, the one that resulted in an ambulance being redirected to a more distant hospital...

Remote Work, Example in Film Production
From The Eponymous Pickle

Remote Work, Example in Film Production

New changes in remote work, an example:The film crews being directed from a continent away  By Richard Baimbridge  Business reporter BBC In a production studioSome...

Robo Taxis are Coming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robo Taxis are Coming

More autonomy to be seen on the roads.   How soon will we see applications in broad use?Robotaxis get the green light for paid rides in CaliforniaThe state’s public...

USAF Tests Robotics Security, Surveillance
From The Eponymous Pickle

USAF Tests Robotics Security, Surveillance

Another inevitable move, for surveillance and implied force available.  As I have mentioned for other security examples of use, the robot-dogs look scary. US Air...

insideHPC Guide to QCT Platform-on-Demand Designed for Converged Workloads
From insideHPC

insideHPC Guide to QCT Platform-on-Demand Designed for Converged Workloads

In this insideHPC technology guide, "insideHPC Guide to QCT Platform-on-Demand Designed for Converged Workloads,"as we’ll see, by relying on open source software...

Facets of Faceted Search
From The Noisy Channel

Facets of Faceted Search

Faceted search is a fascinating topic. It’s a standard feature of site search, and one could write an entire book on the subject. In this post, I’ll focus on some...

From Computational Complexity

Fun with birthdays, inspired by Nov 20

 On Nov 20, 2020  the Google Doodle was of Benoit Mandelbrot for his 96th birthday. Why have a Doodle on his 96th bday? Anyway, the Doodle is here.  On Nov 20,here...

The Making of a Computer Science Teacher
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Making of a Computer Science Teacher

There is quite the conversation going on in the private Computer Science Educators group on Facebook about teacher preparation for CS educators. This is a veryhighly...

Learning Long Horizon Planning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning Long Horizon Planning

 Another interesting piece from Berkeley - BAIR. Now looking at more complex planning.  Long range planning that machines are not necessarily good at.   But humans...

More on the Security of the 2020 US Election
From Schneier on Security

More on the Security of the 2020 US Election

Last week I signed on to two joint letters about the security of the 2020 election. The first was as one of 59 election security experts, basically saying that...
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