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Communications of the ACM



Identifying Asymptomatic Virus from Cough Prints
From The Eponymous Pickle

Identifying Asymptomatic Virus from Cough Prints

 Most interesting, depending upon how well it works in practice.MIT Open Voice Model Used to Identify Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients From Cough Recordings  By BRET...

Virus Tracing Apps have Problems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Virus Tracing Apps have Problems

Privacy, but then what value do they deliver?Virus-Tracing Apps Are Rife with Problems. Governments Are Rushing to Fix ThemThe New York TimesNatasha Singer; Aaron...

Science and Technology links (October 31st 2020)
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (October 31st 2020)

Amazon has 1 million employees. “The iPhone 12 contains a Lidar. The first 3D Lidar was released a decade ago and cost $75,000.” (Calum Chace) There is water on...

Honeywell Provides Quantum as a Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

Honeywell Provides Quantum as a Service

More available services for quantum available.Honeywell Introduces Quantum Computing as a Service with Subscription Offering  By ZDNetThe tech world may have to...

Data Commons now Available via Google Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Commons now Available via Google Search

Brought back to my attention. From Google: Data Commons is an open knowledge repository that combines data from public datasets using mapped common entities. It...

The Dilemma of Ransomware
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Dilemma of Ransomware

Been more educated of late regards the danger of ransomware.   In my early days in the government I remember all the mag tapes we loaded for analysis and backup...

Illusory Perceptions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Illusory Perceptions

 In our early work in this area we thought we found such 'illusions'. Based on the text here, these were not the same thing as mentioned here,  but we named them...

Crop Inspection
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crop Inspection

 Recall my interest in crop and forestry inspection and improvement.  See the related tags. Here another example in play to improve production.Alphabet Trialing...

Waymo Self-Driving Stats Revealed
From The Eponymous Pickle

Waymo Self-Driving Stats Revealed

 Quite impressive.  61 million miles, 21 months, 47 collisions and near misses. By far most caused by other cars.  No one seriously injured.  Better than human....

Dell, NetApp, IBM Lead Coldago Research’s File Storage Map for 2020
From insideHPC

Dell, NetApp, IBM Lead Coldago Research’s File Storage Map for 2020

Coldago Research, a market research and analysis firm, released today its 2020 edition of its map for file storage (see below) in which 31 vendors were examined...

Five Argonne Researchers Named 2020 Distinguished Fellows
From insideHPC

Five Argonne Researchers Named 2020 Distinguished Fellows

Five leading researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have been recognized as Argonne Distinguished Fellows, the highest...

Garbage in -  Garbage Forever?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Garbage in - Garbage Forever?

Of course the well known phrase is applicable to many kinds of 'intelligence', analytics, AI and forecasting and inference.   Here we just make sure it goes beyond...

Spying via Body Movements on Video calls
From The Eponymous Pickle

Spying via Body Movements on Video calls

Anther example of patterns from one kind of transmission (body movement)  to another kind (typing) that could leak specific information.  In the 70s we worked similar...

Robotic Ships
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotic Ships

 Looked at robotic ships for a supply chain project now sometime ago there and were movements then.   See the tag re 'autonomous ships'.   IBM was involved.  Then...

The Legal Risks of Security Research
From Schneier on Security

The Legal Risks of Security Research

Sunoo Park and Kendra Albert have published “A Researcher’s Guide to Some Legal Risks of Security Research.” From a summary: Such risk extends beyond anti-hacking...

Flow Science Announces FLOW-3D HYDRO CFD for Water & Environmental Industry
From insideHPC

Flow Science Announces FLOW-3D HYDRO CFD for Water & Environmental Industry

Santa Fe, October 29, 2020 – Flow Science has launched FLOW-3D HYDRO, a CFD modeling solution for the civil and environmental engineering industry. FLOW-3D HYDRO...

German Climate Computing Center Picks StrongLink for 150 PB Data Management Project
From insideHPC

German Climate Computing Center Picks StrongLink for 150 PB Data Management Project

The German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) has selected StrongBox Data Solutions (SBDS), provider of autonomous large-scale data management and archive solutions...

TileCode–Creating games on and for handheld devices
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

TileCode–Creating games on and for handheld devices

People are Microsoft always seem to be working on interesting and unexpected (to me anyway) things.  My most recent discovery is TileCode. From the website:Microsoft...

Intersect360 Research Announces Nov. 4 Pre-SC20 HPC and AI Market Update Webinar
From insideHPC

Intersect360 Research Announces Nov. 4 Pre-SC20 HPC and AI Market Update Webinar

SUNNYVALE, CA—October 29, 2020 — HPC and hyperscale analyst firm Intersect360 Research has announced that CEO Addison Snell will present the latest research and...

On Auction Theory
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Auction Theory

 A favorite topic we used for supply chain decision modeling.   Nicely overviewed here in Kellogg.  Below a good reminder to me of its outline , and there follows...
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