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insideHPC Special Report Optimize Your WRF Applications
From insideHPC

insideHPC Special Report Optimize Your WRF Applications

A popular application that simulates climate change is the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model. This white paper discusses how QCT can work with leading...

More on NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography
From Schneier on Security

More on NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography

Back in July, NIST selected third-round algorithms for its post-quantum cryptography standard. Recently, Daniel Apon of NIST gave a talk detailing the selection...

Nicolas Nova: we have to learn how to domesticate our smartphones
From Putting People First

Nicolas Nova: we have to learn how to domesticate our smartphones

Sur la base d‘une enquête de terrain menée à Genève, Los Angeles et Tokyo, cet ouvrage aborde la dimension proprement anthropologique du smartphone.

How six Companies are Using Tech and Data to Transform Themselves
From The Eponymous Pickle

How six Companies are Using Tech and Data to Transform Themselves

Quite a considerable piece and video, had not seen most of the examples.How six companies are using technology and data to transform themselves In the first ofSent...

Entering the Era of Private Money?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Entering the Era of Private Money?

Short podcast that just starts to position the question, and many implications.Sorry, Governments, We’re Entering the Era of Private MoneyWhether the U.S. government...

Could a Tree Signal if A Corpse is Decaying?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Could a Tree Signal if A Corpse is Decaying?

 We worked with satellite and other kinds of imaging to determine the growth and health of forests, as we planned their harvest and replanting for CPG products....

Using Sound to Classify
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Sound to Classify

Have always promoted the idea of using sound sensors, and sound delivery to activate contextual spaces. Here Carnegie Mellon explores this, calibrating it for sounds...

Good students find questions, not answers
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Good students find questions, not answers

It is often believed that learning is a simple matter of collecting answers and replies.  I suspect that “learn mechanistically how to answer the questions” isContinue...

[Book] Engaged: Designing for Behavioral Change
From Putting People First

[Book] Engaged: Designing for Behavioral Change

Behavior change design creates entrancing—and effective—products and experiences. Whether you’ve studied psychology or are new to the field, you can incorporate...

The Future of HPC for Manufacturing
From insideHPC

The Future of HPC for Manufacturing

In this sponsored post, our friends over at Lenovo and Intel explain how High-Performance Computing (HPC) has gone mainstream and forever changed the world of engineering...

P&G's Expanded EY Partnership
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G's Expanded EY Partnership

Good overview of the current work.  Reported in ConsumerGoodsTechnology (CGT) P&G Boosting Supply Chain Potential with Expanded EY Partnership | Consumer Goods"...

360 Degree Virtual Tours
From The Eponymous Pickle

360 Degree Virtual Tours

Been recently looking at various capabilities of producing 'Virtual tours' of various complexity.  And in particular how it can enhance experiences.    Most of360...

From Computational Complexity

Two Math Problems of interest (at least to me)

 I will give two math problems that are of interest to me.These are not new problems, however you will have more fun if you work on them yourself and leave comments...

Data and Its World is Getting Bigger
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data and Its World is Getting Bigger

Almost every talk I see starts with some statistics about the growth of data.  Here Datanami updates some of this, with related quantifying of related aspects. ...

Amazon Drone Delivery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Drone Delivery

Wired makes the point that drone deliveries for now will only be for specialized and emergency situations.  Agree about the consumer interest point, delivery has...

Ransomware Attacks more Sophisticated
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ransomware Attacks more Sophisticated

Continued concern of these, facilitated by the openness of our systems to external manipulation.  what is the solution?    The ability to detect particular kinds...

Feynman's Advice to a Young Stephen Wolfram
From The Eponymous Pickle

Feynman's Advice to a Young Stephen Wolfram

Particularly interesting if you are intrigued by the origin and transmission of ideas.   As I am.  This blog for example was established to continue communications...

NIST Calls for Cloud Forensics
From The Eponymous Pickle

NIST Calls for Cloud Forensics

Another example of forensics from patterns.  NIST Calls for Standards to Improve Forensic Capabilities in the CloudNextGov.comMariam BakshAugust 27, 2020A report... is Moving
From Schneier on Security is Moving

I'm switching my website software from Movable Type to Wordpress, and moving to a new host. The migration is expected to last from approximately 3 AM EST Monday... is Moving
From Schneier on Security is Moving

I’m switching my website software from Movable Type to WordPress, and moving to a new host. The migration is expected to last from approximately 3 AM EST Monday...
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