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Communications of the ACM



Happy birthday Experientia
From Putting People First

Happy birthday Experientia

Social networking and public service provision
From Putting People First

Social networking and public service provision

I very much enjoyed the reflection of Lee Bryant (Headshift), following the launch of the UK Government’s Big Society initiative. In it, he argues that in the past...

Why traditional intranets fail today
From Putting People First

Why traditional intranets fail today

Oscar Berg reflects on the changing role of intranets in knowledge-intensive businesses. “These intranets need to provide flexible access to both information and...

On the design process, consistency and product development
From Putting People First

On the design process, consistency and product development

Three new articles have been published on the UX Matters site: Design Is a Process, Not a Methodology By Pabini Gabriel-Petit In this installment of On Good Behavior...

Google knows your desires before you do
From Putting People First

Google knows your desires before you do

Google attempts to return relevant search results in the blink of an eye. But in future it could go one better, delivering search results to its users even before...

Content Strategy questions and answers
From Putting People First

Content Strategy questions and answers

Content strategy is becoming a hot topic (and one I am greatly interested in). Last year, Kristina Halvorson of Brain Traffic published the book Content Strategy...

University and Cyberspace conference videos online
From Putting People First

University and Cyberspace conference videos online

A few weeks ago the Communia conference University and Cyberspace took place here in Torino, Italy, with a focus on “reshaping knowledge institutions for the networked...

From Putting People First


“The internet has not become the great leveller that it was once thought it could be,” according to Harvard academic Ethan Zuckerman at the TED Global (Technology...

Ethnography in industry
From Putting People First

Ethnography in industry

PARC, the legendary California-based research centre owned by the Xerox Corporation, is hosting a series of talks on ethnography in industry. The three talks that...

People-focused innovation in healthcare
From Putting People First

People-focused innovation in healthcare

Philips Design has published a downloadable paper on how it uses qualitative research and design thinking to support development of solutions for the ever-changing...

Worries about over-sharing location from mobiles
From Putting People First

Worries about over-sharing location from mobiles

Experiments like ‘Please Rob Me’ indicate that what people reveal via location-sharing apps could potentially be harmful to them – and survey finds concerns among...

Most smartphones are underused
From Putting People First

Most smartphones are underused

As smartphones increasingly penetrate the market, with nearly a quarter of mobile users owning one, data consumption is becoming more stratified: the heaviest users...

Smart gadgets may anticipate our needs
From Putting People First

Smart gadgets may anticipate our needs

Devices could monitor people’s health and step in when needed to help them get better, experts say. “Within a decade or two, researchers at Silicon Valley companies...

Danah Boyd: Smartest 'Tech' Academic
From Putting People First

Danah Boyd: Smartest 'Tech' Academic

The smartest “tech” academic according to Fortune Magazine (“The smartest people in tech”) is Danah Boyd, Social Media Researcher, Microsoft Research. “She is the...

Video interviews with Dan Ariely and Clay Shirky
From Putting People First

Video interviews with Dan Ariely and Clay Shirky

Big Think is an online think tank, founded in 2007, that presents video interviews with major intellectuals from a wide range of fields. Recent interviews that...

Towards a read/write urbanism
From Putting People First

Towards a read/write urbanism

Adam Greenfield, Nokia

From Putting People First


Jon Kolko was one of the speakers yesterday at the Design Research Society conference in Montreal, Canada. His presentation addressed Sensemaking – the manner in...

From Putting People First


Today I received the catalogue of the Habitar exhibition, organised by LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre, an exhibition centre for art, science, technology...

More videos from The Web And Beyond
From Putting People First

More videos from The Web And Beyond

Intel launches new interaction and experience research division
From Putting People First

Intel launches new interaction and experience research division

At the Intel Labs’ annual Research at Intel media event, Intel Corporation Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner announced a new research division, called Interaction...
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