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Communications of the ACM



[Book] Code Dependent
From Putting People First

[Book] Code Dependent

"A riveting story of what it means to be human in a world changed by artificial intelligence, revealing the perils and inequities of our growing reliance on automated...

Refreshed Experientia presentation
From Putting People First

Refreshed Experientia presentation

We just shortened and refreshed our company presentation.

The ethnography of organizational change
From Putting People First

The ethnography of organizational change

Yale School of Management (SOM) organizational ethnographer Julia DiBenigno spends years meticulously observing and interviewing people at work. By taking seriously...

[Book] Love and technology
From Putting People First

[Book] Love and technology

Love and Technology: An Ethnography of Dating App Users in Berlin by Fabian BroekerRoutledgeDecember 2023, 192 pages Love and Technology: An Ethnography of Dating...

How human centred design can boost resilience to climate change
From Putting People First

How human centred design can boost resilience to climate change

Building resilience to events that are said to be once-in-a-lifetime and easy for local communities to overlook is now an urgent priority. Human-centred design...

Two reports on the current state of user research
From Putting People First

Two reports on the current state of user research

Maze and User Interviews, both USA-based entities providing user research platforms and user panels, published reports in the last months on the current state of...

July/August 2024 edition of Interactions magazine is out
From Putting People First

July/August 2024 edition of Interactions magazine is out

The latest issue of Interactions magazine, published by ACM, contains five feature stories, four of which are about AI and interaction design.

The primacy of the personal
From Putting People First

The primacy of the personal

A new report from the Weber Shandwick Collective suggests a “me over we” mentality is driving more buying decisions, explains the publisher of Fast Company, Stephanie...

[Book] Guardrails
From Putting People First

[Book] Guardrails

When we make decisions, our thinking is informed by societal norms, “guardrails” that guide our decisions, like the laws and rules that govern us. But what are...

Applying AI in UX research
From Putting People First

Applying AI in UX research

Practitioners praise some efficiency gains in process tasks, but are skeptical about the real value in analysis and insight gathering, despite the many marketing...

[Book] Avoiding the news
From Putting People First

[Book] Avoiding the news

Drawing on interviews in Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States as well as extensive survey data, the book explains why and how so many people consume...

Human-centered design to go beyond the mere “what customers want”
From Putting People First

Human-centered design to go beyond the mere “what customers want”

In a context of economic and geopolitical flux and volatility, a more in-depth human-centered design approach is now more necessary than ever, as it helps forward...

[Book] Filterworld: how algorithms flattened culture
From Putting People First

[Book] Filterworld: how algorithms flattened culture

From New Yorker staff writer Kyle Chayka comes a timely history and investigation of a world ruled by algorithms, which determine the shape of culture itself.

[Paper] Why people still fall for phishing emails
From Putting People First

[Paper] Why people still fall for phishing emails

This paper features an in-depth investigation on how people make email response decisions while reading their emails. The authors proposed five concrete enhancements...

[Book] The Experimentation Field Book
From Putting People First

[Book] The Experimentation Field Book

This book is a hands-on manual for crafting and conducting useful experiments in real-life settings. It guides readers from any background or discipline through...

Experimenting with GenAI in design research
From Putting People First

Experimenting with GenAI in design research

Cameron Hanson, Strategy Director at Smart Design, gave a presentation at the the Service Design Network (SDN) New York Chapter on practical ways to integrate...

What does it mean to trust a technology?
From Putting People First

What does it mean to trust a technology?

Trust depends on perceptions of whether sociotechnical systems are seen as beneficial and well-governed as well as whether they work as their designers expect.

Study on how young Europeans perceive their future
From Putting People First

Study on how young Europeans perceive their future

*The Movers of Tomorrow: How Young Adults in Europe Imagine and Shape the Future* - Study of young adults (aged 18 to 39) in Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and...

From nudge to sludge: a book, and now an academy and an audit
From Putting People First

From nudge to sludge: a book, and now an academy and an audit

Sludge is friction through unnecessary red tape. Cass R. Sunstein wrote a book about it and the OECD is currently exploring the contribution that behavioural science...

[Book] Death Glitch
From Putting People First

[Book] Death Glitch

Technology scholar Tamara Kneese examines what happens to our digital belongings when we die, and argues that tech companies need to improve how they deal with...
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