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Communications of the ACM



Private lives
From Putting People First

Private lives

Our personal details are used everywhere. And it’s more easy to share, mine and exploit them than ever before. This new report by the UK think tank Demos is an...

World Bank, Nokia fund mobile app labs in Africa
From Putting People First

World Bank, Nokia fund mobile app labs in Africa

The World Bank in partnership with mobile handset maker Nokia is set to fund the establishment of mobile applications laboratories in Africa in a move to boost...

Privacy in a public world
From Putting People First

Privacy in a public world

The concept of

What does ethnography give you that statistics don
From Putting People First

What does ethnography give you that statistics don

Qualitative, and especially observational or ethnographic, research enables us to delve much more deeply into the relationship between our firm and its product/service...

Africa Calling: can mobile phones make a miracle?
From Putting People First

Africa Calling: can mobile phones make a miracle?

Africa Calling: Can Mobile Phones Make a Miracle? is the title of a long article by Jenny C. Aker (Assistant Professor, The Fletcher School) and Isaac M. Mbiti...

Book: Ubiquitous computing user experience design
From Putting People First

Book: Ubiquitous computing user experience design

At Lift France 09, Mike Kuniavsky spoke about Changing Things: Fab Labs, towards decentralized design and production of material products (link to 25 min. video)...

Successful service design
From Putting People First

Successful service design

Successful Service Design: Turning Innovation Into Practice is a website created by the UK’s Cabinet Office that provides a robust guide to service design. The...

How social networks influence our behaviours
From Putting People First

How social networks influence our behaviours

Are some behaviours more contagious than others? This is the question that Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler address in their book, Connected: The Surprising...

Making design research less of a mystery
From Putting People First

Making design research less of a mystery

David Sherwin argues in his blog that there are a few eerie similarities between the plotting of mystery novels and how designers should document design research...

Can you design a service?
From Putting People First

Can you design a service?

Jeff Howard alerts us in his “Design for Service” blog to the publication “Can You Design a Service?” by the Danish agency 1508. “Six brief case studies showcase...

Eleven gambits for influencing user behaviour
From Putting People First

Eleven gambits for influencing user behaviour

In his blog, Dan Lockton, a Ph.D. researcher at Brunel University (UK), describes eleven behavioural change patterns “drawn from games or modelled on more playful...

Connectile dysfunction
From Putting People First

Connectile dysfunction

Designers can play a pivotal role, writes Mark Baskinger, associate professor in the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University, in empowering elders towards...

The future of health care is social
From Putting People First

The future of health care is social

Too many of us are too busy to be healthy–not because we lack awareness. It’s finding the time to do it that’s the problem. In an age of 24/7 connectivity, time...

Sustainable user research
From Putting People First

Sustainable user research

Now, more than ever, it

Can design save management?
From Putting People First

Can design save management?

Although design and design thinking are having a positive impact on management practice and education, Youngjin Yoo, an associate professor at Temple University...

Participatory systems, moving beyond 20th Century institutions
From Putting People First

Participatory systems, moving beyond 20th Century institutions

If the 20th century was the era of the global institution–the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the multinational corporation–then the 21st century...

Augmented reality: it
From Putting People First

Augmented reality: it

Charles Arthur investigates in The Observer [Sunday edition of The Guardian] how the ways in which we watch sport, read magazines and do business with each other...

A conversation with Microsoft
From Putting People First

A conversation with Microsoft

Microsoft’s Channel 9 conducted a half hour video interview with Bill Buxton, Principal Researcher for Microsoft Research and Albert Shum, Director of Mobile Experience...

Can we design cities for happiness?
From Putting People First

Can we design cities for happiness?

Texts without context
From Putting People First

Texts without context

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