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Experience based design at the UK
From Putting People First

Experience based design at the UK

Yesterday I was in Lille, France, to speak at a small conference on service design organised by Philippe Picaud, the highly dynamic design director of Oxylane-Decathlon...

From Putting People First


Two new interviews on Nokia’s IdeasProject: Cheap sensors are transformative Monitor Networks CEO Chris Meyer sees tremendous possibilities in the observation and...

Dimensions of compelling mobile experiences
From Putting People First

Dimensions of compelling mobile experiences

Dave Zuvernik, senior user research specialist on Adobe XD

Pay by cellphone? Sounds great. So why don
From Putting People First

Pay by cellphone? Sounds great. So why don

Fast Company’s Chris Dannen reflects on why Americans don’t use mobile banking. “Obopay is an payment system that works on your cell phone–kind of like a mobile...

How networks of trust can unlock innovation
From Putting People First

How networks of trust can unlock innovation

Informal networks are the links and exchanges that bind people together, explains Dr Karen Stephenson, a corporate anthropologist and an expert on social networks...

How Innovations From Developing Nations Trickle-up to the West
From Putting People First

How Innovations From Developing Nations Trickle-up to the West

More than a month before Business Week published an article about ‘trickle-up innovation’ (that I reported on earlier this week), Fast Company had already delved...

Microsoft Research publishes interviews with Bill Buxton and danah boyd
From Putting People First

Microsoft Research publishes interviews with Bill Buxton and danah boyd

The website of Microsoft Research seemed to have been redesigned recently and contains some nice interviews: Buxton putting design into MIX Bill Buxton of Microsoft...

Mobile phones and the BOP in Washington, DC
From Putting People First

Mobile phones and the BOP in Washington, DC

The Washington Post reports on how homeless people in Washington DC use mobile phone, blogs and e-mail to stay on top of things. “Today, it’s not unusual for the...

Award for user-friendly design of wireless multi-room music system
From Putting People First

Award for user-friendly design of wireless multi-room music system

A few weeks ago the Sonos Multi-Room Music System, a wireless music system, which allows music-lovers to play all the music they want, was honoured with the international...

Experientia office on Google Street View
From Putting People First

Experientia office on Google Street View

Dotmocracy: crowdsourcing, mashups, and social change [eBook]
From Putting People First

Dotmocracy: crowdsourcing, mashups, and social change [eBook]

Dotmocracy: Crowdsourcing, Mashups, and Social Change by Lisa Campbell Free download As San Francisco braces itself to be the first major American city to not have...

Scratching the Surface
From Putting People First

Scratching the Surface

Jack Schofield of The Guardian has published a nice short story about the user experience of interacting with the Microsoft surface: “Microsoft was using a shallow...

Seeing Tomorrow
From Putting People First

Seeing Tomorrow

Adaptive Path organised a panel on service design yesterday. Panellists were Shelley Evenson (CMU), Robert Glushko (UC Berkeley), and Christi Zuber (Kaiser Permanente)...

Sensing context in mobile design
From Putting People First

Sensing context in mobile design

Gabriel White, interaction design director at Punchcut in San Francisco, affirmed context as king in the design of mobile and location-aware computing at Australia’s...

Tish Shute interviews Mike Kuniavsky on things as services
From Putting People First

Tish Shute interviews Mike Kuniavsky on things as services

Tish Shute’s UgoTrade website is quickly becoming one of the prime sites in the field. In the last months she interviewed Andy Stanford-Clark (IBM Master Inventor)...

The future of shopping
From Putting People First

The future of shopping

The monthly business magazine Cond

The Economist on the end of the
From Putting People First

The Economist on the end of the

The Economist argues that the demise of a popular but unsustainable business model now seems inevitable: The idea that you can give things away online, and hope...

Phone designers to improve reality
From Putting People First

Phone designers to improve reality

Rik Myslewski of The Register reports on augmented reality on mobile devices: Future phones will recognize buildings and people by sight and replace reality with...

Good design at Metropolis
From Putting People First

Good design at Metropolis

The March issue of Metropolis is focused on products with the theme of Good Design. Several articles are fitting quite well with the topic of this blog: What...

From Putting People First


In a Q&A, user experience director Irene Au explains to Business Week how Google can manage design and consistency in its traditionally bottoms-up culture “As Google...
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