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Communications of the ACM



Posterous App Group Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Posterous App Group Management

Posterous has announced updates to its mobile apps, for both iOS and Android. The updated versions of the apps bring support for creating and managing Posterous...

Learning from Operations Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning from Operations Research

In The Atlantic, a short post on using what is called 'Operations Research', and the value it has added to the efficiency of industry since WWII, improving everyone's...

Open Source Location Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Source Location Service

In ReadwriteWeb:  " ... Until now, Ushahidi has been most known as a service for reporting location during times of crisis ... Today, the company has taken a bit...

Turing Award Winner
From The Eponymous Pickle

Turing Award Winner

The 2010 Turing Award goes to a Harvard researcher in machine learning:, much more here: ACM has named Leslie G. Valiant of Harvard University the winner of the...

FourSquare Grows Up and Serves up Promotions
From The Eponymous Pickle

FourSquare Grows Up and Serves up Promotions

I have updated my mobile version of Foursquare, after having become disenchanted with the location based check-in game aspect.  GigaOm posts on the new suggestion...

QR Media Site
From The Eponymous Pickle

QR Media Site

A useful site on many aspects of QR codes, applications and related topics. Note their article on Macy's QR Code campaign.

Building It and Getting the Shopper to Buy it
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building It and Getting the Shopper to Buy it

Herb Sorensen, well known retail scientist publishes an interesting article in Views: If you build it, they will NOT come!   An evidence-based quantitative view...

What Your EMail Domain Says About You
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Your EMail Domain Says About You

Fascinating blog post in Hunchblog about what your choice of domain says about your demographics. This is surprisingly important, it has been used by the enterprise...

Bing Adds 2D Barcodes and Grabbing Text
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bing Adds 2D Barcodes and Grabbing Text

For a recent study I compared Redlaser and ShopSavvy smartphone barcode readers for on shelf use.   I notice today that Microsoft has added a 2D barcode reader...

Brands as Media Properties
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brands as Media Properties

In Brandweek: Unilever says that brands must be turned into media properties via content.

Febreze Reaches Billion Dollar Mark
From The Eponymous Pickle

Febreze Reaches Billion Dollar Mark

Commentary regarding the Febreze benchmark on the Brand Channel.  A Billion dollars in sales for a quite simple concept.

Problems with Mobile Location Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Problems with Mobile Location Data

A thoughtful interview post on issues that occur with mobile location data.  " ... Between identifying relevant and accurate data sources, harmonizing data from...

Computing Beyond Mathematics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computing Beyond Mathematics

An interesting viewpoint article in ACM.  In one way this is quite obvious, computer science has gone far beyond mathematics ... far beyond just 'computing'Computer...

SAS Pushes Business Intelligence to Mobile
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS Pushes Business Intelligence to Mobile

A very good direction we are seeing as key Business Intelligence vendors are supporting mobile.  You should be able to take your intelligence to wherever your data...

Location Based Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Location Based Marketing

In Adage:  a good overview of what marketers should think about when considering the use of  location based services.

Remote Food
From The Eponymous Pickle

Remote Food

3D Printers creating food.   It appears there is still much to do here before this becomes practical or very appetizing.  Yet the direction is clear, digitally...

The Rise of the Service Robot
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Rise of the Service Robot

The past and future of the US Robotics Industry in a good BusinessWeek article. " .... U.S. robotic companies have regained their strength, but face tough Asian...

Webinar on Top Neuro-Ranked Superbowl Ads
From The Eponymous Pickle

Webinar on Top Neuro-Ranked Superbowl Ads

This webinar looks to be very interesting, especially for someone interested in the practical application of neuromarketing.  It will be held tomorrow March 18Here...

Carr on Memory and Self
From The Eponymous Pickle

Carr on Memory and Self

Nick Carr excerpts a chapter of his book: The Shallows, on the concept of aiding memory.  Is memory being killed by all our digital memory aids and resources?  ...

iPad Providing Comfort in Hospitals
From The Eponymous Pickle

iPad Providing Comfort in Hospitals

A good example of how an easy to use pad can provide comfort and address boredom in hospitals and nursing homes.  Laptops and Smartphones can work there too, but...
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