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New Way for Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Way for Analytics

My colleague, Sammy Haroon, writes about a new way for analytics.

From The Eponymous Pickle


Good Fast Company article on Neurocinema:  The use of neural scanning techniques, like those used in Neuromarketing, to understand how film viewers react to on...

2011 the Year for Semantic Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

2011 the Year for Semantic Technology

Good overview article on the opportunities for semantic technologies this year.  " ...  Semantic technology will increasingly be recognized as a tool that helps...

Google Changes Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Changes Search

Google announced changes in it's search algorithms yesterday.  Initially only implemented for US searchers.  Which they say will improve the quality of results...

Interactive China Province Map
From The Eponymous Pickle

Interactive China Province Map

Mark Perry points to an excellent Economist interactive map of the Chinese provinces, their population, GDP, exports, etc.  Useful data for modeling.  Could have...

Governing Predictive Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Governing Predictive Analytics

In Information Management, a short article, mostly common sense, but a good reminder of how to address an analytical problem. " .... Six Steps to Governing Analytics...

RFID News Update
From The Eponymous Pickle

RFID News Update

The RFID Journal is always a good place to go for the latest news on tagging things.   Check out their useful and detailed news update.

Dole Tests QR Codes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dole Tests QR Codes

Good detailed example of the use of QR codes.  Have mentioned them many times here.  We tested their use in the aisle for locational 'check in': " ... It was a...

Towards Collaborative Business Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards Collaborative Business Intelligence

A general overview of architecture for BI: " ... In today

Email Overload is Intractable
From The Eponymous Pickle

Email Overload is Intractable

In the HBR Blog.  I agree.  Even with filtering and careful examination, too much of it can slip through or simply gum up the works.  So what can be done?

Letting Your People Speak and Celebrate
From The Eponymous Pickle

Letting Your People Speak and Celebrate

Paul Gillin has an excellent piece in his blog where he uses the Watson-Jeopardy example at IBM to show how a company can celebrate an accomplishement publicly. ...

Using Plug-and-Play Macroscopes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Plug-and-Play Macroscopes

From the ACM:  Looking at complex data with visualization tools: " ... Decision making in science, industry, and politics, as well as in daily life, requires that...

Open Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Education

Readwriteweb looks at the future of Open Education, and the tenth anniversary of the concept at MIT. " ... Over the past decade, MIT has shared its course materials...

Numbers Rule Your World
From The Eponymous Pickle

Numbers Rule Your World

Numbers Rule Your World: The Hidden Influence of Probabilities and Statistics on Everything You Do by Kaiser Fung In the midst of reading this book which I have...

Does Your Company Know What it Knows?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Does Your Company Know What it Knows?

Short outline piece in the HBR on this perennially important issue.  We worked on it since at least the 70s.  Surprise it is still important, and largely unaddressed...

Making Decisions Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Decisions Work

A good results brief from Bain & Company on making decisions work.   Even if you have the right decision in hand, it also has to be operationally well implemented...

Hidden Gems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hidden Gems

Roger Martin of the Rotman School writes in the HBR about hidden gems in your business model.  With some instructive recent examples.

Marketing Brain Blogs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Brain Blogs

Just brought to my attention:  20 Cool Brain Blogs every Marketer Should Read.   A good set of links, a number of which I had not heard of before.  Will examine...

Flocking Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Flocking Science

The natural organization of animals and people, in a number of settings has been studied for purposes of evacuation, ecology and even the arrangement of retailAn...

Rethinking the Internet
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rethinking the Internet

In the Stanford News:   A father knows best: Vint Cerf re-thinks the Internet in Stanford talk" .... He helped develop the Internet in the 1970s while at Stanford...
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