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Global Businesses Align to Provide Accurate Consumer Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Businesses Align to Provide Accurate Consumer Data

I am surprised this has not been done methodically long ago.  It is becoming very important as shoppers need to get accurate data in-store.   It is also key for...

Forbes on R Software
From The Eponymous Pickle

Forbes on R Software

In the Forbes blog.  Excellent article on the open source R statistical package. The visualization capabilities are emphasized.    I agree that it is the package...

Digital Coupon Use Soars
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Coupon Use Soars

In Progressive Grocer, an overview article on the increasing use of digital coupons, with quite a few useful statistics.  With the increasing use of smartphones...

Adjusting Your Google Privacy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Adjusting Your Google Privacy

In Ars Technica, an article about the many privacy settings available for Google users. I use many Google services and am concerned about the privacy I give up...

New Standard for Supercomputing
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Standard for Supercomputing

In the CACM: Sandia Labs will be delivering a new proposed set of standards for Supercomputing today which is more closely related to the kinds of tasks that are...

Brandery Opens New Start-ups
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brandery Opens New Start-ups

Thr Brandery launches six new startups in Cincinnati.  In Dave Knox's blog.

Japan Inc's Regrowth
From The Eponymous Pickle

Japan Inc's Regrowth

Bain Inc writes about the reenergization of Japan Inc.    I followed Japan in the 90's in the area of artificial intelligence ... A view of their direction and...

Curation vs Aggregation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Curation vs Aggregation

A good piece on the very idea of the human network. Remember us?  I think there is much to be said for linking together human and Internets in new ways.  There...

A Robot's Body of Knowledge
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Robot's Body of Knowledge

An article in IEEE Spectrum showing robots doing common household tasks inspired me to think again about our own experiments with robots in the enterprise.  Like...

Mathematica 8 Allows Natural Language Input
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mathematica 8 Allows Natural Language Input

This is a pretty remarkable development: " ... With the release of Mathematica 8 today, the single most dramatic change is that you don

Tweeting Students Get Higher Grades
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tweeting Students Get Higher Grades

In the Chronicle of Higher Education.  An interesting study, but this could likely encounter the 'causal fallacy'.  It is likely that many other aspects of context...

Google and Near Field Communications Support
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google and Near Field Communications Support

Google announces that versions of the Android mobile operating system will include NFC (Near Field Communications) support.  NFC enables  short range, about 10...

Facebook Mail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Mail

I have been a user of Gmail for years, and find it very serviceable.  When people try to contact me with Mail systems within other packages, Linkedin comes to mind...

Shopalong by Kroger CEO
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopalong by Kroger CEO

Shopalong research consists of a retail and CPG executives visiting a store incognito and seeing their venues the way a shopper sees them.  A good AP article on...

Wikipedia Seeking $16 Million
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wikipedia Seeking $16 Million

In Readwriteweb:  Wikipedia is seeking $16 Million to remain a free service.  Certainly the most successful public wiki service and well worth that amount.    That...

Businesses that Smartphones are Replacing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Businesses that Smartphones are Replacing

This list is fairly obvious.   It is interesting to think about what markets the smartphone is changing markedly.  In the end it is all about have a small, powerful...

Numbers Rule Your World
From The Eponymous Pickle

Numbers Rule Your World

A good review of the new book:  Numbers Rule Your World: the hidden influence of probability and statistics on everything you do ,   by Junk Charts blogger Kaiser...

On the Santa Fe Institute
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Santa Fe Institute

I was the enterprise's representative to the well known Santa Fe Institute for several years.  Was always interesting, sometimes directly useful.  Mark Montgomery...

Tufte Library being Auctioned
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tufte Library being Auctioned

Visual graphic data design guru Edward Tufte's library of design resources is being auctioned by Christies on December 2.

At the Singularity Hub
From The Eponymous Pickle

At the Singularity Hub

Retinal implants at the newly discovered Singularity Hub blog.  I have my doubts about broad singularity type predictions, but this blog covers lot of related topics...
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