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Analytics as a Path to Value
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics as a Path to Value

Good Sloan Review article on analytics and value.  I agree, of course. Build key processes into your enterprise to integrate analytical methods.  The data is there...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Venuegen was just brought to my attention.   I like the aspect of actually tailoring the venue to the specific meeting need.  Constructing a relevant context. their...

Overcomplicating Charts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Overcomplicating Charts

In Junk Charts. A good example of how a visualization of data can be overcomplicated. A simple line chart is often much clearer, but avoided simply because it does...

Phones Getting Smart
From The Eponymous Pickle

Phones Getting Smart

In GigaOm: Half of US consumers to use a smartphone by end of next year. It is moving quite quickly and the implication for sensors in the hands of consumers continues...

Big Blue Blogs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Blue Blogs

Doug Lautzenheimer posts about IBM blogging.  I talked to IBM's social media manager five years ago and was very impressed even then by what I saw.  Their white...

This Blog Mentioned
From The Eponymous Pickle

This Blog Mentioned

This blog has been kindly mentioned in the Business intelligence software blog by Doug Lautzenheiser.  Thanks!  Put his excellent blog on your feed as well.

R&D Intensity Climbs
From The Eponymous Pickle

R&D Intensity Climbs

From CFO:  Companies' "R&D intensity" -- a measure of R&D spending versus total sales -- is on the increase, according to a Booz & Co. survey. The trend is a sign...

Drug Stores Want to Own 'Well'
From The Eponymous Pickle

Drug Stores Want to Own 'Well'

An interesting development: In Drug Store News:Walgreen is responding to the changing health care landscape by becoming "a retail health and daily living store,"...

Pop-Up Stores in Action Today
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pop-Up Stores in Action Today

In 2007 I got to see the operation of a Pop-Up store in action in Columbus, Ohio.  An impressive mix of display, merchandising and interaction for the Swash brand...

Data Mining for Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Mining for Education

Learning how people make mistakes and using that mined information to determine the best way to teach them.

Spotfire Now on the iPad
From The Eponymous Pickle

Spotfire Now on the iPad

I was an early user of Spotfire in the enterprise.  Now it is good to see that they have modified it to the point that it can be used on an iPad.  I have been hearing...

ECairn Wins Social Technology Award
From The Eponymous Pickle

ECairn Wins Social Technology Award

From ECairn, which I have followed for some time:" ... Our joint case study with Adobe illustrates the highly differentiated benefits of a  very targeted approach...

Smart Pill Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Pill Technology

The idea of putting an microchip in a pill has been around for some time.  This is the first time I have seen the implementation getting close.  There is concern...

Libraries Lending E Books
From The Eponymous Pickle

Libraries Lending E Books

I got a note the other day that announced my local library was starting to lend e-books, and even loaning out e-readers.   That made me think,  what do the publishers...

The Rise of Self Checkout
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Rise of Self Checkout

I have looked at aspects of retail checkout for some time.  Examining methods like RFID tagging, in store hand held scanning, carts that scan their contents and...

Social Media Law
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Media Law

A good overview piece in E-Commerce Times on recent developments in social media law.

New Neuroscience Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Neuroscience Blog

Mind Hacks informs us of what looks to be a new and useful neuroscience blog:   Brain Detectives. "  ... This fall I became the writer-in-residence at the Montreal...

Metaio's Augmented Press
From The Eponymous Pickle

Metaio's Augmented Press

For those interested in the topic of augmented reality, I suggest subscribing to Metaio's Augmented Press Newsletter.  Largely commerical examples that Metaio is...

Don't Need this Internet Thing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Don't Need this Internet Thing

A significant percentage of US homes don't see the need for the Internet.  Ars Technica reports on a US Commerce department survey/study. Highly surprising.

Opportunities in Shopper Marketing Grow
From The Eponymous Pickle

Opportunities in Shopper Marketing Grow

The GMA has reported in a recent study that shopper marketing (aka merchandising) is booming.  More in a recent Progressive grocer article.  " ... 83% of CPG companies...
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