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Dow to Start Selling Solar Shingles
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dow to Start Selling Solar Shingles

Have followed solar power ideas since the late 70s .... I remember this idea being posed back then. Now it has finally come to fruition. Launching in 2010. About...

Marketing Maneuvers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Maneuvers

In Forbes: Cheap Entrepreneurial marketing maneuvers for small business, including Twitter use.

Videos from the Singularity Summit
From The Eponymous Pickle

Videos from the Singularity Summit

Have only looked at a few, but some interesting videos from the summit. Are you ready to be uploaded? The concept of a technological singularity continues to intrigue...

Tesco in the US
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tesco in the US

Richard James sends along a link to a very detailed article about Tesco in the US: RETAIL CASE STUDY: ANATOMY OF A TESCO FRESH AND EASY NEIGHBORHOOD. Much written...

IPhone App Interacts with SAS
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPhone App Interacts with SAS

Correspondent Sy Truong has just had an Iphone App called BI Flash approved. It allows you to deliver SAS reports and data to the IPhone, enter parameters, capture...

Google Wave Video
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Wave Video

Good, short, non-technical video all about Google Wave. Also, Businessweek asks if it will replace E-mail and Facebook. -

IPhone as a Security Camera
From The Eponymous Pickle

IPhone as a Security Camera

A $1.99 IPhone App called IP Camera can take a picture every 12 to 15 seconds and then posts the picture to a local network via WiFi. Effectively a security camera...

Focus Groups Failing for the Movies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Focus Groups Failing for the Movies

Roger Dooley suggests that the recent mention of using brain scans to provide accurate and specific predictions for scary movie content really shows a further failure...

Cellphones as our Remote Controls
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cellphones as our Remote Controls

Steve King writes an excellent blog: Small Business Labs on small business and entrepreneurial topics that is useful. Notable is a recent article on the increasing...

Paid Traffic Down
From The Eponymous Pickle

Paid Traffic Down

Paid online traffic appears to be down about 26%, A very cursory look at the data looks like it is a significant change beyond normal and seasonal variability....

Soap Opera Moving Online
From The Eponymous Pickle

Soap Opera Moving Online

Dave Knox posts on new experiments by Procter with online soap. Links to another local article on the change. Outlines some of P&G's goals. One of the world's largest...

Pirating Books Expands
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pirating Books Expands

With the emergence of popular book readers will will we start to see increasing book piracy? In the NYT ' .... The Association of American Publishers estimated...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Artificial intelligence and consciousness at the singularity summit. This is still a long ways off-

Counting on Dividends for 119 Years
From The Eponymous Pickle

Counting on Dividends for 119 Years

I worked on a project that helped Procter executives relate and visualize compensation to dividends. It was the first PC based program that execs used directly....

Quick Latitudes and Longitudes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Quick Latitudes and Longitudes

Download Squad mentions a little mashup utility that lets you quickly get latitudes and longitudes for a place name. Used it some time ago and was glad to be reminded...

Google Challengers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Challengers

Good Businessweek piece : Can Google Stay on Top of the Web? As Bing, Facebook, Twitter and less well-known upstarts nip at its heels, Google has hundreds of wizards...

Alternatives to the CKO
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alternatives to the CKO

In his blog Mark Montgomery discusses alternatives to the CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) One of the comments in the thread there points to the fact that there are...

Gathering Knowledge with Games
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gathering Knowledge with Games

Another capability we studied in the enterprise, here slashdot article talks about patents that IBM has applied for in this via a platform for acquiring knowlege...

Open Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Innovation

A guide to implementing open innovation. ' ... The report,

Cart Device at Bloom
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cart Device at Bloom

Cart mounted shopping devices continue to be tested. Here again the Concierge device, previously reported on here, is in limited time test at Food Lion's Bloom'...
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