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Data and Fashion
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data and Fashion

In O'Reilly:     " .... What the data world can learn from the fashion industry?  ... How generating conversations can become one of the most important data assets...

Skills of a Data Scientist
From The Eponymous Pickle

Skills of a Data Scientist

What are the required, or even very useful skills of a data scientist?  From the always interesting Data Science Central.   Here a recent aggregation and pointer...

Virtual Reality and Empathy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Reality and Empathy

Can a set of goggles make you nicer?   In the BBC:  At the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab.  Quite a long look at experiments with the idea of altering behavior...

Unlocking Big Data with AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unlocking Big Data with AI

AI as the key to unlocking big data.  " ... Big data and how best to utilise it has become a perennial subject, and the endless debates around it rarely come to...

Lauren Polo Tech Shirt
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lauren Polo Tech Shirt

From Ralph Lauren:  A shirt full of biometric sensors.  Activity tracking woven in.  More in Wired.

Hyperlayer for Computer Vision
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hyperlayer for Computer Vision

Just brought to my attention.   I noticed because of the applications to human behavior analysis in retail.  And seeing that Herb Sorensen is an adviser. They include...

Tracking Epidemics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tracking Epidemics

App sources and access to Big data about Ebola and other communicable diseases, data visualization examples.

Your Spying Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Your Spying Apps

I remember thinking, long ago, why are there so many flashlight apps?  Are these App writers just showing off?  That is what I thought, but it seems the simpler...

Gartner's View of 2025 Automation and CIOs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gartner's View of 2025 Automation and CIOs

In CWorld: One in three jobs will be taken by software or robots by 2025.    Provocative, hard to say, but close I would say.  Also includes an interesting view...

L'Oreal Uses Games for Recruitment
From The Eponymous Pickle

L'Oreal Uses Games for Recruitment

In Gamification: Have not seen games for recruitment lately.   Are there any other examples out there?    I remember this being done before, but more as a contest...

Big Data Education for CMOs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Education for CMOs

This could be of value to many parts of the executive suite.   Have asked for an outline of the areas of coverage and approaches.  How much will this provide beyond...

Kroger Invests Beyond Grocery
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Invests Beyond Grocery

In Barrons:   Summarizes a number of data oriented plays.  " ... No. 2 food retailer Kroger is trying to break out of mass retail by investing in everything from...

Visualizing Practical Performance Measurement
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizing Practical Performance Measurement

Stephen Few points to an upcoming book: ...  Practical Performance Measurement by Stacey Barr. Plan to read this. I like the idea that he is working with her.  This...

Walgreens Social and Mobile Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Walgreens Social and Mobile Analytics

Another example of a retail company using business intelligence with 'Big Data', seeking to get social and mobile understanding of customers. " ... "We are moving...

11th UC Business Intelligence Symposium this Week
From The Eponymous Pickle

11th UC Business Intelligence Symposium this Week

Business Intelligence Symposium registration closing soonThe 11th Business Intelligence Symposium is coming next week on Thursday October 9 to the Lindner College...

Fake Tongues and Taste in Virtual Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fake Tongues and Taste in Virtual Reality

An article in the New Yorker looks at an extension of the 'Bubber Hand Illusion", which realisticaly fools the brain into thinking that a fake hand is their own...

Robotic Fabrics for Active Clothing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotic Fabrics for Active Clothing

Out of Purdue University, new developments.  Robotics need not be standalone, they can combine with  us in surprising ways.Robotic fabric could bring 'active clothing...

Personalized Bananas
From The Eponymous Pickle

Personalized Bananas

In Adweek:  At first I thought this was an example of 3D printing, but apparently not. " ... Dole Printed Some Very Special Bananas for 200 Runners of the Tokyo...

Making Sense of Big Data with Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Sense of Big Data with Visualization

I have said it often, visualization, a form of descriptive analytics, should be the first method used to understand any kind of data. Especially large scale and...

Retaining Human Touch in Process
From The Eponymous Pickle

Retaining Human Touch in Process

In CIOInsight:  Some useful cautions about automation.  Sure we want to do things as efficiently as possible, but there is still value to include humans in customer...
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