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Communications of the ACM



Learning or Cloning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Learning or Cloning

Cognitive requires learning. At very least an intelligent system needs to be updated as its context changes. There are many kinds of learning.  Passive, active,...

Evolution of Computer Languages
From The Eponymous Pickle

Evolution of Computer Languages

In the CACM:  A view of common computing languages.  Interesting, but most likely for those that have used several.  Non technical in that it deals with a view...

An Online Right to be Forgotten
From The Eponymous Pickle

An Online Right to be Forgotten

In the New Yorker, a non technical, very readable article about the 'right to be forgotten' on the Internet, which is being exercised now in Europe.   Examples...

Seeking Assumption Free Data Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeking Assumption Free Data Science

Steve Miller on 'Freak Data Science', where freak means roughly assumption-free, understandable and useful.  Always like that approach, and he has much to say on...

An Online Right to be Forgotten
From The Eponymous Pickle

An Online Right to be Forgotten

In the New Yorker, a non technical, very readable article about the 'right to be forgotten' on the Internet, which is being exercised now in Europe.   Examples...

UXMag and Psychology
From The Eponymous Pickle

UXMag and Psychology

Of interest, on psych and design, in user experience:" ... UX Magazine is a central, one-stop resource for everything related to user experience. We provide a steady...

Tracking Data Use Online
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tracking Data Use Online

From MIT, with possible use to understand data use and valuation.   " ... Researchers in the Decentralized Information Group (DIG) at MIT’s Computer Science and...

Computer Learning Neighborhoods from Images
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computer Learning Neighborhoods from Images

An example of the ability to make a classification of an image by subtle attributes.  Images are a form of unstructured data increasingly being found in large databases...

Cyber Security Lab Game
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cyber Security Lab Game

A laboratory for teaching online security concepts in the form of a simulation game.  We created similar simulation games for teaching and option evaluation for...

Company Gets Rid of Email
From The Eponymous Pickle

Company Gets Rid of Email

In FastCompany.  I saw this direction proposed some time ago.  At that time it was suggested that a wiki like structure would be set up, and any communication would...

Service Design and Journey Mapping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Service Design and Journey Mapping

Via the Service Innovation group, a video on Service design and journey mapping. Mulling how such systems differ from advisory applications.   Is it a matter of...

Enterprise Thinking Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Enterprise Thinking Blog

See Computing Now's Enterprise Thinking Blog.  Part of the IEEE Computing Now effort.  Nicely done, by Joshua Greenbaum, Principal, Enterprise Applications Consulting...

Kraft and Data Integration for Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kraft and Data Integration for Analytics

I note in particular here the use of third party data to integrate with their own.  Good case study for CPG.   It is becoming common to understand and utilize free...

Kroger Looks to Digital for Shopper Experience
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Looks to Digital for Shopper Experience

Another example of increasing use of data to understand and anticipate shopper experience.Kroger looks to digital to improve shopping experience Kroger's recent...

Mining Medical Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mining Medical Data

On mining medical data.  " .... Your Doctor Knows You're Killing Yourself. The Data Brokers Told Her - in Bloomberg  ... ""  .... You may soon get a call from your...

On Rewards for Motivation
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Rewards for Motivation

An overview of motivational rewards as used in gamification.  In particular a comparison of instrinsic and extrinsic methods.   What works in which conditions.Points...

Buildings and Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Buildings and Innovation

How much do buildings influence creativity?  Apparently they have at MIT.  An interesting study of a particular building that provided a locus for innovation for...

Google Balloons will Ring the Globe
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Balloons will Ring the Globe

In Tech Review:  Though I heard of it, its progress was new to me.  " .... The boss of the Google X research lab, Astro Teller, says his company’s experimental...

Future of Data Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Data Science

In the NYT: A look at the future of Data Science.   " ... “Current knowledge bases are full of facts,” Mr. Etzioni observed, “but they are surprisingly knowledge...

Anticipating Value of Analytic Oracles and Advisors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Anticipating Value of Analytic Oracles and Advisors

In ClickZ:  Thoughts on analytics advisory and automating functions:" ... Could the "Analytics Oracle" Be the Next Evolution of Convergence Analytics?  ... A new...
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