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Communications of the ACM



Cost of Electricity Affordable, but not Decreasing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cost of Electricity Affordable, but not Decreasing

Useful details on electric power currently and in the near future.   Useful as a baseline for establishing manufacturing costs.Electricity: It’s Wonderfully Affordable...

Google Tries Glass Again
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Tries Glass Again

Looking for developers to buy and build business demand.  Still think there are narrow useful applications here, as we tested in plant industrial maintenance settings...

Skype for Business to be Retired
From The Eponymous Pickle

Skype for Business to be Retired

This had been rumored, now its out,   been using Teams now for a year, its nicely done.  Unclear how this be done with regards to Business vs 'Home'  users....Skype...

Teaching Automobiles to Hear
From The Eponymous Pickle

Teaching Automobiles to Hear

Makes sense to add another sense to the car.Teaching Tomorrow's Automobiles to HearFraunhofer-GesellschaftChristian Colmer  in ACMResearchers at Germany’s Fraunhofer...

Wuhan Virus Detected by AI Epidemiologist
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wuhan Virus Detected by AI Epidemiologist

Quite interesting revelation.  The depth of this discovery still unclear.  Recall our work in detecting epidemics and bioterror by retail data.AI Epidemiologist...

End of the Blackberry
From The Eponymous Pickle

End of the Blackberry

Blackberries were the first phone we issued to executives.  At their request after they saw how they could be used with their own portfolios.  And were the first...

Samsung to Announce Smart Speaker
From The Eponymous Pickle

Samsung to Announce Smart Speaker

More competition in what I call the assistant world.   Bixby powered from Samsung.  Beyond just in Korea?  Appears include smart home oriented sensors.  Samsung...

Towards a Reality of Fusion Power
From The Eponymous Pickle

Towards a Reality of Fusion Power

Quite a number of advances in recent years. Excellent overview.  With some technology explanation.5 Big Ideas for Making Fusion Power a Reality In IEEE Spectrum...

IBM Upgrades Debate AI Tool to Better Derive Evidence
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Upgrades Debate AI Tool to Better Derive Evidence

Intriguing approach to mining information to support a goal directed conversation.   A key aspect to making conversational systems more powerful.  Note also the...

The Healthcare Supply Chain
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Healthcare Supply Chain

Useful and logical piece here.  Good additional data at the link.Five Tips for Optimizing Healthcare Supply ChainsBy James Hickland, SCB ContributorHealthcare supply...

MIT Smart Surface Improves WiFi
From The Eponymous Pickle

MIT Smart Surface Improves WiFi

From the images , seems it may be difficult to install, but having a more universal surface could be quite useful for smart home and business installations.MIT's...

Competition in Retail Pricing Algorithms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Competition in Retail Pricing Algorithms

Algorithms don't just come from the suggestion of AI methods,  we worked with many, over many years.   Here an attempt to infer retail pricing strategies from data...

Behavioral Economics Driven by Digital Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Behavioral Economics Driven by Digital Design

All design drives behavior, but how well does it do in achieving goals?  Financial domain an obvious space where there are numbers and needs.How Digital DesignShlomo...

On Realism Considered
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Realism Considered

Not sure what to fully make of this, but recently have listened to some podcast conversations about how we were all in a Matrix-like simulation of sorts, and this...

Digital Twins for Urban Planning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Twins for Urban Planning

Reminds me of the urban/city planning games like SimCity.   And then also the Agent Models we used to construct simulations of very complex country spaces.  The...

Can an AI System Reinvent Physics?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Can an AI System Reinvent Physics?

The idea has been kicked around a bit.  I see Gary Marcus is one of the authors.  have much enjoyed his book on the current limitations of AI.  See my review at...

Looking at the Google Meena Chatbot
From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking at the Google Meena Chatbot

Just pointed to this, the claims are considerable.  A very good conversational model would be a big step forward.  Current assistants do poorly except for the simplest...

Assistants Disappoint When asked for Aid
From The Eponymous Pickle

Assistants Disappoint When asked for Aid

If a system assists it should at least refer to other resources in these cases.   Perhaps there is a case here to construct a centralized knowledge base for all...

Amazon Show Scans Barcodes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Show Scans Barcodes

Was surprised this didn't happen much sooner, given their earlier experiments with wands and buy buttons.    As suggested, put it right next to the can for quick...

Online Communications of the ACM
From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Communications of the ACM

I was reminded that there is an online version of the CACM magazine, which contains many of its articles,   Here it is for the February issue.
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