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Stats on Alexa Skills
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stats on Alexa Skills

Decrease in skill increase.  Lots of other interesting skills, in particular by language. Now lets get the quality and intelligence upNew Alexa Skill Data ShowBret...

AR Contact Lens:  Prototype
From The Eponymous Pickle

AR Contact Lens: Prototype

If the QR Contact lens finally here in prototype.   Has been talked about for some time.   Ultimate kind of wearable.Tech Start-up Develops AR Contact LensesFinancial...

Be Hopeful about the Future
From The Eponymous Pickle

Be Hopeful about the Future

Good thoughts here, with the usual cautions coming from this source.Pessimism dematerialized: Four reasons to be hopeful about the futureIn More from Less, MITby...

AI for Pizza?
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI for Pizza?

Not unexpected.... classic examples of looking for patterns, then creating efficiency based predictions.  Use that to provide the right profitable incentives. AI...

A Theory of Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Theory of Computing

Looks to be of interest, both technical and philosophical.  Undergrad view at least, but could inspire people to think about where all this emerging tech and hype...

Virtual Agents
From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Agents

A broader take than chatbots, more addressed to solving specific customer service issues.    We used the term in loose combination with agent-models to deliverNo...

Seeing in Higher Dimensions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeing in Higher Dimensions

'Seeing' is constructing useful models about spaces from sensors to understand and navigate them.   Predict current and future states. A good studey of the idea...

US Treasury Tracking Federal Grants
From The Eponymous Pickle

US Treasury Tracking Federal Grants

Novel look to track and verify activity on grants.  Testing an innovation.US Treasury Department testing blockchain tech for tracking federal grants in TheBlockCrypto...

Codemakers vs Codebreakers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Codemakers vs Codebreakers

Abstract below.   Amazing how much ew are now tied to cryptography, and the question is not resolved.   With the emergence of quantum it may become more complex...

Advances for 500 million Google Assistants
From The Eponymous Pickle

Advances for 500 million Google Assistants

Seems like good ideas.   Felt that Google was falling behind, even though it AI capabilities seem deep.   I want to be impressed by integrated AI.  To be shownGoogle...

Qualcomm Self Driving Chips
From The Eponymous Pickle

Qualcomm Self Driving Chips

More indications that the winter is not that chill, AI being embedded in chips for general use/.  This did not happen during the last winter. Qualcomm Announces...

On the Cusp of an AI Winter?
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Cusp of an AI Winter?

We have done lots of new things like better language skills and pattern recognition.  But we have fallen back on delivering real process intelligence.    CircaResearchers...

Bosch Deploys AI to Prevent Attacks on Car Electronics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bosch Deploys AI to Prevent Attacks on Car Electronics

Shielding car electronics attacks. Note the application to data coming from car systems.Bosch Deploys AI to Prevent Attacks on Car ElectronicsBy The Wall Street...

Digital Twins and Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Twins and Innovation

Not sure I quite agree with the premise.  These are simulations,  and we often in practice we fed them with data from real operations.     Such simulations were...

Future of Computer Tech?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Computer Tech?

Points again to the 'Brain as a computing model' conundrum.   We have lots of brains we can study, observe, dissect.   But we still don't know their operational...

Why do People Buy Products Unrelated to Search?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why do People Buy Products Unrelated to Search?

In Amazon/Science an interesting study.Why do customers buy seemingly irrelevant products?Analysis points to better algorithms for product discovery.By Liane Lewin...

Notices that you are Being Tracked Offline
From The Eponymous Pickle

Notices that you are Being Tracked Offline

A space we spend much time exploring.    But as in all related spaces, how much attention will people play to this new fine print?Now Stores Must Tell You How They're...

Google Turns IPhones into Security Keys
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Turns IPhones into Security Keys

Nice approach.    What not have this done in al the common forms of phones.   Isn't any phone a unique 'key'?Google turns iPhones into 2FA security keys — goodPaul...

How the Internet Spans the Globe
From The Eponymous Pickle

How the Internet Spans the Globe

Part of the power of the internet was the fact that there were multiple ways to get from A to B,   but this article makes it seem more vulnerable.  The stats are...

P&G Reveals Toothbrush with Alexa Speaker
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Reveals Toothbrush with Alexa Speaker

If you wondered what a toothbrush would say to you.P&G unveils $230 toothbrush with Alexa speakerProcter & Gamble Co. plans to begin selling a $230 electric toothbrush...
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