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From Computational Complexity

My last post on the alleged P NE NP paper

(This is likely my last post on the alleged P NE NP paper unless more real news on it occurs. The only real news I can see happening at this point is a retraction...

From Computational Complexity

P vs NP vs IEEE (Guest post by Paul Beame)

(Update on P vs NP: The proof uses Finite Model Theory which is sometimes called That stuff that Neil Immerman does.. Neil Immerman has found a flaw in it. See ...

From Computational Complexity

Factoring in P ?

(Update on alleged P NE NP proof: There are some issues with it. See these posts on Lipton's blog: here and here and also see a Wikipedia site that (I think) Terry...

From Computational Complexity

That P ne NP proof- whats up with that?

Let me be he last on the block to tell you that an alleged proof of P ≠ NP is out there. NOT posting on it would be absurd; however, I cannot do any better than...

From Computational Complexity

The Solution to the Mark-Betty Game

RECALL from my last post the following game: Let f(n) be a non-decreasing function from naturals to naturals. Consider the following game: Let n be a large...

From Computational Complexity

I want your intuitions on this, so the less you know the more I want you to post

Let f(n) be a monotone increasing function from N to N. (CLARIFICATION ADDED LATER: N is the naturals.) Consider the following game: Let n be a natural number...

From Computational Complexity

What is the complexity of these problems and metaproblems?

The following problem is from Doctor Eco's Cyberpuzzles. I have shortened and generalized it. We are going to put numbers into boxes. If x,y,z are in a box then...

From Computational Complexity

This Post is Quite Different then Any You've Every Read!

I recently a letter from WETA (public TV) which I quote from: This letter is quite different from any we've ever sent to you. For years we wrote to you about...

From Computational Complexity

A Seventh Mil. Problem

Richard Lipton had a wonderful post asking for a seventh Millennium Prize now that Poincare's conjecture has been solved. I posted a suggestion on his blog but...

From Computational Complexity

Do you want to review a book

I will be sending my next book review column for SIGACT NEWS off on July 28, 2010. It has LOTS of books on its BOOKS I WANT REVIEWED list. YOU get a chance to look...

From Computational Complexity

Factors for getting a job- Arbitrary, random, and complex

The Job Market in Theory (likely in all of academia) has more randomness and arbitrariness (are those the same?) then people may realize. Especially young PhD's...

From Computational Complexity

Sparse problems in NP thought to not be in P

(This post is similar to this old post. I am posting this anyway since when I first posted I made fundamental mistake. I fixed it the point I was trying to make...

From Computational Complexity

Can you ever be denied Full Prof? Can you ever really fail a PhD defense.?

Is it possible for someone to be denied Full Prof? Yes, but it is rare. Is it possible for someone to fail a PhD defense? Yes, but it is rare. These questions...

From Computational Complexity

Conflicts of Interest

a conflict-of-interest? Some thoughts. Thought One PROF: I can't vote on Professor X's Full Prof case since I have a conflict. CHAIRMAN: (There areThought...

From Computational Complexity

Jobs- who ended up where? You tell us!

Within CS theory who ended up at what jobs? Neither Lance nor I knows this. But YOU do--- collectively! So, I ask you, the readers, to leave comments about who...

From Computational Complexity

Is this solution cheating?

Consider the following problem: A hole is drilled through the center of a sphere. The cylinder-with-caps is removed. The length of the removed cylinder (itHere...

From Computational Complexity

The P vs NP quiz Show. NP! NP! NP!

Some random thoughts about quiz shows. THOUGHT ONE: There could be a quiz show based on P and NP. We all think that FINDING an answer is harder than VERIFYING...

From Computational Complexity

The Lefthanded Latino Lesbians in Algebraic Topology Workshop

There was a Women in Theory Workshop at Princeton From June 19-23. ***SORELLE***, who was there, has some intelligent and interesting things to say about it...

From Computational Complexity

Talking about your work with a layperson

How to best describe what we do to the layperson? It depends on what you mean by layperson. I was in Austin Texas visiting my nephew Jason. I was also giving...

From Computational Complexity

Foundational ... or simply a curiosity (Guest Post by Vijay Vazarani)

(Guest Post by Vijay Vazirani) Foundational ... or Simply a Curiosity? Conventional wisdom has it that whereas linear programs have rational solutions,...
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