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The Ads vs. Ad Blockers Arms Race
From Schneier on Security

The Ads vs. Ad Blockers Arms Race

For the past month or so, Forbes has been blocking browsers with ad blockers. Today, I tried to access a Wired article and the site blocked me for the same reason...

Practical TEMPEST Attack
From Schneier on Security

Practical TEMPEST Attack

Four researchers have demonstrated a TEMPEST attack against a laptop, recovering its keys by listening to its electrical emanations. The cost for the attack hardware...

Security Vulnerability in gilbc DNS
From Schneier on Security

Security Vulnerability in gilbc DNS

It's a really bad one....

Decrypting an iPhone for the FBI
From Schneier on Security

Decrypting an iPhone for the FBI

Earlier this week, a federal magistrate ordered Apple to assist the FBI in hacking into the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. Apple will fight...

Friday Squid Blogging: Up Close and Personal with a Giant Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Up Close and Personal with a Giant Squid

Fascinating story. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

Security Implications of Cash
From Schneier on Security

Security Implications of Cash

I saw two related stories today. The first is about high-denomination currency. The EU is considering dropping its 500-euro note, on the grounds that only criminals...

Underage Hacker Is behind Attacks against US Government
From Schneier on Security

Underage Hacker Is behind Attacks against US Government

It's a teenager: British police have arrested a teenager who allegedly was behind a series of audacious -- and, for senior U.S. national security officials, embarrassing...

Judge Demands that Apple Backdoor an iPhone
From Schneier on Security

Judge Demands that Apple Backdoor an iPhone

A judge has ordered that Apple bypass iPhone security in order for the FBI to attempt a brute-force password attack on an iPhone 5c used by one of the San Bernardino...

Enabling Trust by Consensus
From Schneier on Security

Enabling Trust by Consensus

Trust is a complex social phenomenon, captured very poorly by the binary nature of Internet trust systems. This paper proposes a social consensus system of trust...

Using Eagles to Intercept Drones
From Schneier on Security

Using Eagles to Intercept Drones

Both Dutch and UK police are training eagles to attack drones....

Fear and Anxiety
From Schneier on Security

Fear and Anxiety

More psychological research on our reaction to terrorism and mass violence: The researchers collected posts on Twitter made in response to the 2012 shooting attack...

Survey of the Dark Web
From Schneier on Security

Survey of the Dark Web

Interesting paper on the dark web: Daniel Moore & Thomas Rid, "Cryptopolitik and the Darknet," Survival, 2016. (Technical annex here -- requires the Tor browser...

Friday Squid Blogging : Pajama Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging : Pajama Squid

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a pajama squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.....

Fitbit Data Reveals Pregnancy
From Schneier on Security

Fitbit Data Reveals Pregnancy

A man learned his wife was pregnant from her Fitbit data. The details of the story are weird. The man posted the data to Reddit and asked for analysis help. But...

Determining Physical Location on the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Determining Physical Location on the Internet

Interesting research: "CPV: Delay-based Location Verification for the Internet": Abstract: The number of location-aware services over the Internet continues growing...

Worldwide Encryption Products Survey
From Schneier on Security

Worldwide Encryption Products Survey

Today I released my worldwide survey of encryption products. The findings of this survey identified 619 entities that sell encryption products. Of those 412, or...

Make Privacy a 2016 Election Issue
From Schneier on Security

Make Privacy a 2016 Election Issue

EPIC has just launched "Data Protection 2016" to try to make privacy an issue in this year's elections. You can buy swag....

AT&T Does Not Care about Your Privacy
From Schneier on Security

AT&T Does Not Care about Your Privacy

AT&T's CEO believes that the company should not offer robust security to its customers: But tech company leaders aren't all joining the fight against the deliberate...

10,000-Year-Old Warfare
From Schneier on Security

10,000-Year-Old Warfare

Evidence of primitive warfare from Kenya's Rift Valley....

The 2016 National Threat Assessment
From Schneier on Security

The 2016 National Threat Assessment

It's National Threat Assessment Day. Published annually by the Director of National Intelligence, the "Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community"...
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