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How the US Is Playing Both Ends on Data Privacy
From Schneier on Security

How the US Is Playing Both Ends on Data Privacy

There's an excellent article in Foreign Affairs on how the European insistence on data privacy -- most recently illustrated by their invalidation of the "safe harbor"...

1981 CIA Report on Deception
From Schneier on Security

1981 CIA Report on Deception

Recently declassified: Deception Maxims: Fact and Folklore, Office of Research and Development, Central Intelligence Agency, June 1981. Research on deception and...

NSA Spies on Israeli Prime Minister
From Schneier on Security

NSA Spies on Israeli Prime Minister

The Wall Street Journal has a story that the NSA spied on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli government officials, and incidentally collected...

Windows 10 Whole-Disk Encryption without Key Escrow
From Schneier on Security

Windows 10 Whole-Disk Encryption without Key Escrow

On the Intercept, Micah Lee has a good article that talks about how Microsoft is collecting the hard-drive encryption keys of Windows 10 users, and how to disable...

De-Anonymizing Users from their Coding Styles
From Schneier on Security

De-Anonymizing Users from their Coding Styles

Interesting blog post: We are able to de-anonymize executable binaries of 20 programmers with 96% correct classification accuracy. In the de-anonymization process...

Friday Squid Blogging: Video of Live Giant Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Video of Live Giant Squid

Giant squid filmed swimming through a harbor in Japan: Reports in Japanese say that the creature was filmed on December 24, seen by an underwater camera swimming...

Cory Doctorow on Software Security and the Internet of Things
From Schneier on Security

Cory Doctorow on Software Security and the Internet of Things

Cory Doctorow has a good essay on software integrity and control problems and the Internet of Things. He's writing about self-driving cars, but the issue is much...

Another Scandal Resulting from E-mails Gone Public
From Schneier on Security

Another Scandal Resulting from E-mails Gone Public

A lot of Pennsylvania government officials are being hurt as a result of e-mails being made public. This is all the result of a political pressure to release the...

PayPal Authentication Still Substandard
From Schneier on Security

PayPal Authentication Still Substandard

Brian Krebs has the story. Bottom line: PayPal has no excuse for this kind of stuff. I hope the public shaming incents them to offer better authentication for its...

DMCA and the Internet of Things
From Schneier on Security

DMCA and the Internet of Things

In theory, the Internet of Things -- the connected network of tiny computers inside home appliances, household objects, even clothing -- promises to make your life...

NSA/GCHQ Exploits Against Juniper Networking Equipment
From Schneier on Security

NSA/GCHQ Exploits Against Juniper Networking Equipment

The Intercept just published a 2011 GCHQ document outlining their exploit capabilities against Juniper networking equipment, including routers and NetScreen firewalls...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Christmas
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Christmas

Squid sighting in this Christmas cartoon. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. And...

Burglary Footage Turned into Commercial
From Schneier on Security

Burglary Footage Turned into Commercial

Earlier this month, a Las Vegas taco shop was robbed in the middle of the night. The restaurant took the surveillance-video footage and turned it into a combination...

Police Dog Sniffs for Hard Drives
From Schneier on Security

Police Dog Sniffs for Hard Drives

This weird story describes a "porn dog" that is trained to find hidden hard drives. It's used in child porn investigations. I suppose it's reasonable that computer...

Using Law Against Technology
From Schneier on Security

Using Law Against Technology

On Thursday, a Brazilian judge ordered the text messaging service WhatsApp shut down for 48 hours. It was a monumental action. WhatsApp is the most popular app...

More Writings on the Second Crypto Wars
From Schneier on Security

More Writings on the Second Crypto Wars

Two things to read: "Wanting It Bad Enough Won't Make It Work: Why Adding Backdoors and Weakening Encryption Threatens the Internet," by Meredith Whittaker and...

"The Medieval Origins of Mass Surveillance"
From Schneier on Security

"The Medieval Origins of Mass Surveillance"

This interesting article by medieval historian Amanda Power traces our culture's relationship with the concept of mass surveillance from the medieval characterization...

Back Door in Juniper Firewalls
From Schneier on Security

Back Door in Juniper Firewalls

Juniper has warned about a malicious back door in their firewalls that automatically decrypts VPN traffic. It's been there for years. Hopefully details are forthcoming...

Friday Squid Blogging: Penguins Fight over Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Penguins Fight over Squid

Watch this video of gentoo penguins fighting over a large squid. This underwater brawl was captured on a video camera taped to the back of the second penguin, revealing...

GCHQ Holiday Puzzle
From Schneier on Security

GCHQ Holiday Puzzle

If you like puzzles, GCHQ has one for you. Just don't let it distract you from fighting the UK legislation giving the GCHQ new surveillance powers....
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