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Who Might Control Your Telephone Metadata
From Schneier on Security

Who Might Control Your Telephone Metadata

Remember last winter when President Obama called for an end to the NSA's telephone metadata collection program? He didn't actually call for an end to it; he just...

Comments on the Sony Hack
From Schneier on Security

Comments on the Sony Hack

I don't have a lot to say about the Sony hack, which seems to still be ongoing. I want to highlight a few points, though. At this point, the attacks seem to be...

Not Enough CISOs to Go Around
From Schneier on Security

Not Enough CISOs to Go Around

This article is reporting that the demand for Chief Information Security Officers far exceeds supply: Sony and every other company that realizes the need for a...

Effects of Terrorism Fears
From Schneier on Security

Effects of Terrorism Fears

Interesting article: "How terrorism fears are transforming America's public space." I am reminded of my essay from four years ago: "Close the Washington Monument...

NSA Hacking of Cell Phone Networks
From Schneier on Security

NSA Hacking of Cell Phone Networks

The Intercept has published an article -- based on the Snowden documents -- about AURORAGOLD, an NSA surveillance operation against cell phone network operators...

Rapiscan Full-Body Scanner for Sale
From Schneier on Security

Rapiscan Full-Body Scanner for Sale

Government surplus. Only $8,000 on eBay. Note that this device has been analyzed before....

Corporate Abuse of our Data
From Schneier on Security

Corporate Abuse of our Data

Last week, we learned about a striking piece of malware called Regin that has been infecting computer networks worldwide since 2008. It's more sophisticated than...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Poaching off the Coast of Japan
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Poaching off the Coast of Japan

There has been an increase in squid poaching by North Korea out of Japanese territorial waters. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security...

Surveillance Cartoon
From Schneier on Security

Surveillance Cartoon


Corporations Misusing Our Data
From Schneier on Security

Corporations Misusing Our Data

In the Internet age, we have no choice but to entrust our data with private companies: e-mail providers, service providers, retailers, and so on. We realize that...

Olfactory Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

Olfactory Surveillance

The Denver police are using olfactometers to measure the concentration of cannabis in the air. I haven't found any technical information about these devices, their...

Quantum Attack on Public-Key Algorithm
From Schneier on Security

Quantum Attack on Public-Key Algorithm

This talk (and paper) describe a lattice-based public-key algorithm called Soliloquy developed by GCHQ, and a quantum-computer attack on it. News article....

The Future of Auditory Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

The Future of Auditory Surveillance

Interesting essay on the future of speech recognition, microphone miniaturization, and the future ubiquity of auditory surveillance....

Putting NSA/GCHQ Spying Together
From Schneier on Security

Putting NSA/GCHQ Spying Together

This is a really good analysis of how the NSA/GCHQ spying programs actually work. It's nice that we finally have enough documents public that we can start putting...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Bikes
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Bikes

Squid Bikes is a California brand. Article from Velo News. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't...

Economic Failures of HTTPS Encryption
From Schneier on Security

Economic Failures of HTTPS Encryption

Interesting paper: "Security Collapse of the HTTPS Market." From the conclusion: Recent breaches at CAs have exposed several systemic vulnerabilities and market...

"Cooperating with the Future"
From Schneier on Security

"Cooperating with the Future"

This is an interesting paper -- the full version is behind a paywall -- about how we as humans can motivate people to cooperate with future generations. Abstract...

New Snowden Documents Show GCHQ Paying Cable & Wireless for Access
From Schneier on Security

New Snowden Documents Show GCHQ Paying Cable & Wireless for Access

A new story based on the Snowden documents and published in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung shows how the GCHQ worked with Cable & Wireless -- acquired...

FBI Agents Pose as Repairmen to Bypass Warrant Process
From Schneier on Security

FBI Agents Pose as Repairmen to Bypass Warrant Process

This is a creepy story. The FBI wanted access to a hotel guest's room without a warrant. So agents broke his Internet connection, and then posed as Internet technicians...

Regin: Another Military-Grade Malware
From Schneier on Security

Regin: Another Military-Grade Malware

Regin is another military-grade surveillance malware (tech details from Symantec and Kaspersky). It seems to have been in operation between 2008 and 2011. The Intercept...
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