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Deanonymizing Taxi Passenger and Fare Data
From Schneier on Security

Deanonymizing Taxi Passenger and Fare Data

Interesting essay on the sorts of things you can learn from anonymized taxi passenger and fare data....

Whisper Tracks Users
From Schneier on Security

Whisper Tracks Users

The Guardian has reported that the app Whisper tracks users, and then published a second article explaining what it knows after Whisper denied the story. Here's...

More Crypto Wars II
From Schneier on Security

More Crypto Wars II

FBI Director James Comey again called for an end to secure encryption by putting in a backdoor. Here's his speech: There is a misconception that building a lawful...

How Did the Feds Identity Dread Pirate Roberts?
From Schneier on Security

How Did the Feds Identity Dread Pirate Roberts?

Last month, I wrote that the FBI identified Ross W. Ulbricht as the Silk Road's Dread Pirate Roberts through a leaky CAPTCHA. Seems that story doesn't hold water...

Friday Squid Blogging: 1,057 Squid T-Shirts
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: 1,057 Squid T-Shirts

That's a lot. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. And commenting was broken for a...

Hacking a Video Poker Machine
From Schneier on Security

Hacking a Video Poker Machine

Kevin Poulsen has written an interesting story about two people who successfully exploited a bug in a popular video poker machine....

NSA Classification ECI = Exceptionally Controlled Information
From Schneier on Security

NSA Classification ECI = Exceptionally Controlled Information

ECI is a classification above Top Secret. It's for things that are so sensitive they're basically not written down, like the names of companies whose cryptography...

DEA Sets Up Fake Facebook Page in Woman's Name
From Schneier on Security

DEA Sets Up Fake Facebook Page in Woman's Name

This is a creepy story. A woman has her phone seized by the Drug Enforcement Agency and gives them permission to look at her phone. Without her knowledge or consent...

FOXACID Operations Manual
From Schneier on Security

FOXACID Operations Manual

A few days ago, I saw this tweet: "Just a reminder that it is now *a full year* since Schneier cited it, and the FOXACID ops manual remains unpublished." It's true...

Surveillance in Schools
From Schneier on Security

Surveillance in Schools

This essay, "Grooming students for a lifetime of surveillance," talks about the general trends in student surveillance. Related: essay on the need for student privacy...

How James Bamford Came to Write The Puzzle Palace
From Schneier on Security

How James Bamford Came to Write The Puzzle Palace

Interesting essay about James Bamford and his efforts to publish The Puzzle Palace over the NSA's objections. Required reading for those who think the NSA's excesses...

NSA Has Undercover Operatives in Foreign Companies
From Schneier on Security

NSA Has Undercover Operatives in Foreign Companies

The latest Intercept article on the Snowden NSA documents talks about their undercover operatives working in foreign companies. There are no specifics, although...

Friday Squid Blogging: Flash-Fried Squid Recipe
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Flash-Fried Squid Recipe

Recipe from Tom Douglas. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

Online Activism and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
From Schneier on Security

Online Activism and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Good essay by Molly Sauter: basically, there is no legal avenue for activism and protest on the Internet. Also note Sauter's new book, The Coming Swarm....

Dynamic Encryption for Voice
From Schneier on Security

Dynamic Encryption for Voice

This article reads like snake oil. But the company was founded by Lars Knudsen, so it can't possibly be. I'm curious....

USB Cufflinks
From Schneier on Security

USB Cufflinks

Just the thing for smuggling data out of secure locations....

BadUSB Code Has Been Published
From Schneier on Security

BadUSB Code Has Been Published

In July, I wrote about an unpatchable USB vulnerability called BadUSB. Code for the vulnerability has been published....

Data and Goliath Is Finished
From Schneier on Security

Data and Goliath Is Finished

Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World is finished. I submitted it to my publisher, Norton, this morning. In a few weeks...

iPhone Encryption and the Return of the Crypto Wars
From Schneier on Security

iPhone Encryption and the Return of the Crypto Wars

Last week Apple announced that it is closing a serious security vulnerability in the iPhone. It used to be that the phone's encryption only protected a small amount...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Burger
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Burger

McDonald's has a Halloween-themed burger with a squid-ink bun. Only in Japan. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the...
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