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Security by Obscurity at Site
From Schneier on Security

Security by Obscurity at Site

The White House is refusing to release details about the security of because it might help hackers. What this really means is that the security details...

Eavesdropping Using Smart Phone Gyroscopes
From Schneier on Security

Eavesdropping Using Smart Phone Gyroscopes

The gyroscopes are sensitive enough to pick up acoustic vibrations. It's crude, but it works. Paper. Wired article. Hacker News thread....

The Problems with PGP
From Schneier on Security

The Problems with PGP

Matthew Green has a good post on what's wrong with PGP and what should be done about it....

People Are Not Very Good at Matching Photographs to People
From Schneier on Security

People Are Not Very Good at Matching Photographs to People

We have an error rate of about 15%: Professor Mike Burton, Sixth Century Chair in Psychology at the University of Aberdeen said: "Psychologists identified around...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Boats Illuminate Bangkok from Space
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Boats Illuminate Bangkok from Space

Really: To attract the phytoplankton, fishermen suspend green lights from their boats to illuminate the sea. When the squid chase after their dinner, they're drawn...

Chapter 137 of My Surreal Life
From Schneier on Security

Chapter 137 of My Surreal Life

Someone wrote Sherlock-Schneier fan fiction. Not slash, thank heavens. (And no, that's not an invitation.)...

The Onion on Passwords
From Schneier on Security

The Onion on Passwords


Disguising Exfiltrated Data
From Schneier on Security

Disguising Exfiltrated Data

There's an interesting article on a data exfiltration technique. What was unique about the attackers was how they disguised traffic between the malware and command...

The Security of al Qaeda Encryption Software
From Schneier on Security

The Security of al Qaeda Encryption Software

The web intelligence firm Recorded Future has posted two stories about how al Qaeda is using new encryption software in response to the Snowden disclosures. NPR...

US Air Force is Focusing on Cyber Deception
From Schneier on Security

US Air Force is Focusing on Cyber Deception

The US Air Force is focusing on cyber deception next year: Background: Deception is a deliberate act to conceal activity on our networks, create uncertainty and...

QUANTUM Technology Sold by Cyberweapons Arms Manufacturers
From Schneier on Security

QUANTUM Technology Sold by Cyberweapons Arms Manufacturers

Last October, I broke the story about the NSA's top secret program to inject packets into the Internet backbone: QUANTUM. Specifically, I wrote about how QUANTUMINSERT...

NSA/GCHQ/CESC Infecting Innocent Computers Worldwide
From Schneier on Security

NSA/GCHQ/CESC Infecting Innocent Computers Worldwide

There's a new story on the c't magazin website about a 5-Eyes program to infect computers around the world for use as launching pads for attacks. These are not...

Friday Squid Blogging: Te Papa Museum Gets a Second Colossal Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Te Papa Museum Gets a Second Colossal Squid

That's two more than I have. They're hoping it's a male. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't...

Reverse-Engineering NSA Malware
From Schneier on Security

Reverse-Engineering NSA Malware

Interesting articles reverse-engineering DEITYBOUNCE and BULLDOZER....

New Snowden Interview in Wired
From Schneier on Security

New Snowden Interview in Wired

There's a new article on Edward Snowden in Wired. It's written by longtime NSA watcher James Bamford, who interviewed Snowden is Moscow. There's lots of interesting...

Security as Interface Guarantees
From Schneier on Security

Security as Interface Guarantees

This is a smart and interesting blog post: I prefer to think of security as a class of interface guarantee. In particular, security guarantees are a kind of correctness...

Automatic Scanning for Highly Stressed Individuals
From Schneier on Security

Automatic Scanning for Highly Stressed Individuals

This borders on ridiculous: Chinese scientists are developing a mini-camera to scan crowds for highly stressed individuals, offering law-enforcement officers a...

Irrational Fear of Risks Against Our Children
From Schneier on Security

Irrational Fear of Risks Against Our Children

There's a horrible story of a South Carolina mother arrested for letting her 9-year-old daughter play alone at a park while she was at work. The article linked...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Proteins and the Brain-Computer Interface
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Proteins and the Brain-Computer Interface

There's a protein in squid that might be useful in getting biological circuits to talk to computer circuits. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk...

Eavesdropping by Visual Vibrations
From Schneier on Security

Eavesdropping by Visual Vibrations

Researchers are able to recover sound through soundproof glass by recording the vibrations of a plastic bag. Researchers at MIT, Microsoft, and Adobe have developed...
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