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Explaining and Speculating About QUANTUM
From Schneier on Security

Explaining and Speculating About QUANTUM

Nicholas Weaver has a great essay explaining how the NSA's QUANTUM packet injection system works, what we know it does, what else it can possibly do, and how to...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fishermen Seen from Space
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fishermen Seen from Space

Cool photo. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Various Schneier Audio and Video Talks and Interviews
From Schneier on Security

Various Schneier Audio and Video Talks and Interviews

News articles about me (or with good quotes by me). My talk at the IETF Vancouver meeting on NSA and surveillance. I'm the first speaker after the administrivia...

Security Tents
From Schneier on Security

Security Tents

The US government sets up secure tents for the president and other officials to deal with classified material while traveling abroad. Even when Obama travels to...

A Fraying of the Public/Private Surveillance Partnership
From Schneier on Security

A Fraying of the Public/Private Surveillance Partnership

The public/private surveillance partnership between the NSA and corporate data collectors is starting to fray. The reason is sunlight. The publicity resulting from...

Microsoft Retiring SHA-1 in 2016
From Schneier on Security

Microsoft Retiring SHA-1 in 2016

I think this is a good move on Microsoft's part: Microsoft is recommending that customers and CA's stop using SHA-1 for cryptographic applications, including use...

Another QUANTUMINSERT Attack Example
From Schneier on Security

Another QUANTUMINSERT Attack Example

Der Speigel is reporting that the GCHQ used QUANTUMINSERT to direct users to fake LinkedIn and Slashdot pages run by -- this code name is not in the article --reacted...

Cryptographic Blunders Revealed by Adobe's Password Leak
From Schneier on Security

Cryptographic Blunders Revealed by Adobe's Password Leak

Adobe lost 150 million customer passwords. Even worse, they had a pretty dumb cryptographic hash system protecting those passwords.

Bizarre Online Gambling Movie-Plot Threat
From Schneier on Security

Bizarre Online Gambling Movie-Plot Threat

This article argues that online gambling is a strategic national threat because terrorists could use it to launder money. The Harper demonstration showed the technology...

Dan Geer Explains the Government Surveillance Mentality
From Schneier on Security

Dan Geer Explains the Government Surveillance Mentality

This talk by Dan Geer explains the NSA mindset of "collect everything": I previously worked for a data protection company. Our product was, and I believe still...

Friday Squid Blogging: Tree Yarn-Bombed
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Tree Yarn-Bombed

This tree in San Mateo, CA, has been turned into a giant blue squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news...

Another Snowden Lesson: People Are the Weak Security Link
From Schneier on Security

Another Snowden Lesson: People Are the Weak Security Link

There's a story that Edward Snowden successfully socially engineered other NSA employees into giving him their passwords.

Why the Government Should Help Leakers
From Schneier on Security

Why the Government Should Help Leakers

In the Information Age, it's easier than ever to steal and publish data. Corporations and governments have to adjust to their secrets being exposed, regularly. ...

Risk-Based Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Risk-Based Authentication

I like this idea of giving each individual login attempt a risk score, based on the characteristics of the attempt: The risk score estimates the risk associated...

Deception in Fruit Flies
From Schneier on Security

Deception in Fruit Flies

The wings of the Goniurellia tridens fruit fly have images of an ant on them, to deceive predators: "When threatened, the fly flashes its wings to give the appearance...

Elliptic Curve Crypto Primer
From Schneier on Security

Elliptic Curve Crypto Primer

This is well-written and very good.

The Story of the Bomb Squad at the Boston Marathon
From Schneier on Security

The Story of the Bomb Squad at the Boston Marathon

This is interesting reading, but I'm left wanting more. What are the lessons here? How can we do this better next time? Clearly we won't be able to anticipate...

More NSA Revelations
From Schneier on Security

More NSA Revelations

This New York Times story on the NSA is very good, and contains lots of little tidbits of new information gleaned from the Snowden documents. The agency’s Dishfire...

From Schneier on Security


Good story of badBIOS, a really nasty piece of malware. The weirdest part is how it uses ultrasonic sound to jump air gaps. Ruiu said he arrived at the theory...

Friday Squid Blogging: 8-Foot Giant Squid Pillow
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: 8-Foot Giant Squid Pillow

Make your own 8-foot giant squid pillow. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.
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