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Identifying Cell Phones Through Sensor Imperfections
From Schneier on Security

Identifying Cell Phones Through Sensor Imperfections

There seems to be a bunch of research into uniquely identifying cell phones through unique analog characteristics of the various embedded sensors. These sortsSlashdot...

"A Court Order Is an Insider Attack"
From Schneier on Security

"A Court Order Is an Insider Attack"

Ed Felten makes a strong argument that a court order is exactly the same thing as an insider attack: To see why, consider two companies, which we'll call Lavabit...

From Schneier on Security


SecureDrop is an open-source whistleblower support system, originally written by Aaron Swartz and now run by the Freedom of the Press Foundation. The first instance...

iPhone Sensor Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

iPhone Sensor Surveillance

The new iPhone has a motion sensor chip, and that opens up new opportunities for surveillance: The M7 coprocessors introduce functionality that some may instinctively...

NSA Harvesting Contact Lists
From Schneier on Security

NSA Harvesting Contact Lists

A new Snowden document shows that the NSA is harvesting contact lists -- e-mail address books, IM buddy lists, etc. -- from Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook,...

New Secure Smart Phone App
From Schneier on Security

New Secure Smart Phone App

It's hard not to poke fun at this press release for Safeslinger, a new cell phone security app from Carnegie Mellon. "SafeSlinger provides you with the confidence...

Massive MIMO Cryptosystem
From Schneier on Security

Massive MIMO Cryptosystem

New paper: "Physical-Layer Cryptography Through Massive MIMO." Abstract: We propose the new technique of physical-layer cryptography based on using a massive MIMO...

Insecurities in the Linux /dev/random
From Schneier on Security

Insecurities in the Linux /dev/random

New paper: "Security Analysis of Pseudo-Random Number Generators with Input: /dev/random is not Robust, by Yevgeniy Dodis, David Pointcheval, Sylvain Ruhault, Damien...

Fingerprinting Burner Phones
From Schneier on Security

Fingerprinting Burner Phones

In one of the documents recently released by the NSA as a result of an EFF lawsuit, there's discussion of a specific capability of a call records database to identify...

Friday Squid Blogging: 30-Foot Giant Squid Washes Ashore
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: 30-Foot Giant Squid Washes Ashore

A 30-foot-long giant squid has washed ashore in Cantabria, Spain. It died at sea, with a broken tentacle. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about...

Stuff I Say
From Schneier on Security

Stuff I Say

It's a Tumblr feed. Right now there are only six posts, all a year old. Presumably that will change soon. To clarify: I have nothing to do with the feed, and...

New Low in Election Fraud
From Schneier on Security

New Low in Election Fraud

Azerbaijan achieves a new low in voter fraud. They government accidentally publishes the results of the election before the polls open. The mistake came whenanother...

Air Gaps
From Schneier on Security

Air Gaps

Since I started working with Snowden's documents, I have been using a number of tools to try to stay secure from the NSA. The advice I shared included using Tor...

Build Your Own Enigma
From Schneier on Security

Build Your Own Enigma


Breaking Taiwan's Digital ID
From Schneier on Security

Breaking Taiwan's Digital ID

There's a serious random-number generation flaw in the cryptographic systems used to protect the Taiwanese digital ID. Article and paper.

A New Postal Privacy Product
From Schneier on Security

A New Postal Privacy Product

The idea is basically to use indirection to hide physical addresses. You would get a random number to give to your correspondents, and the post office would use...

The NSA's New Risk Analysis
From Schneier on Security

The NSA's New Risk Analysis

As I recently reported in the Guardian, the NSA has secret servers on the Internet that hack into other computers, codename FOXACID. These servers provide an excellent...

Me on Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

Me on Surveillance

This is a video of me talking about surveillance and privacy, both relating to the NSA and more generally.

Why It's Important to Publish the NSA Programs
From Schneier on Security

Why It's Important to Publish the NSA Programs

The Guardian recently reported on how the NSA targets Tor users, along with details of how it uses centrally placed servers on the Internet to attack individual...

Silk Road Author Arrested Due to Bad Operational Security
From Schneier on Security

Silk Road Author Arrested Due to Bad Operational Security

Details of how the FBI found the administrator of Silk Road, a popular black market e-commerce site. Despite the elaborate technical underpinnings, however, the...
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