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Threats vs. Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

Threats vs. Vulnerabilities

I found this article on the difference between threats and vulnerabilities to be very interesting. I like his taxonomy.

Folk Models in Home Computer Security
From Schneier on Security

Folk Models in Home Computer Security

This is a really interesting paper: "Folk Models of Home Computer Security," by Rick Wash. It was presented at SOUPS, the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security...

Times Square Video Screen Hacked with an iPhone
From Schneier on Security

Times Square Video Screen Hacked with an iPhone

I didn't post about it when I first saw it because I suspected a hoax. Turns out, I was right. It wasn't even two guys faking hacking a Times Square video screen...

RSA Security, Inc Hacked
From Schneier on Security

RSA Security, Inc Hacked

The company, not the algorithm. Here's the corporate spin. Our investigation has led us to believe that the attack is in the category of an Advanced Persistent...

Zombie Fungus
From Schneier on Security

Zombie Fungus

The security connection is pretty tenuous, so I figured I'd blog this on a Saturday. Once it infects an ant, the fungus uses as-yet-unidentified chemicals to control...

Hacking ATM Users by Gluing Down Keys
From Schneier on Security

Hacking ATM Users by Gluing Down Keys

Clever hack: The thieves glue down the "enter," "cancel" and "clear" buttons on the keypad and wait until the customer goes into the bank for help before withdrawing...

Hacking Cars with MP3 Files
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Cars with MP3 Files

Impressive research: By adding extra code to a digital music file, they were able to turn a song burned to CD into a Trojan horse. When played on the car's stereo...

Using Language Patterns to Identify Anonymous E-Mail
From Schneier on Security

Using Language Patterns to Identify Anonymous E-Mail

Interesting research. It only works when there's a limited number of potential authors: To test the accuracy of their technique, Fung and his colleagues examined...

Video Interview with Me
From Schneier on Security

Video Interview with Me

This three-part video interview with me was conducted at the RSA Conference last month.

FBI and the Future of Wiretapping
From Schneier on Security

FBI and the Future of Wiretapping

Last month I posted Susan Landau's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security on government eavesdropping...

Full Body Scanners
From Schneier on Security

Full Body Scanners has a good three-part story on full-body scanners.

Malware as Job Security
From Schneier on Security

Malware as Job Security

A programmer installed malware into the Whack-a-Mole arcade game as a form of job security. It didn't work.

Criminals Stealing Cars by Calling Tow Trucks
From Schneier on Security

Criminals Stealing Cars by Calling Tow Trucks

It's a clever hack, but an old problem: the authentication in these sorts of normal operations isn't good enough to prevent abuse.

Recently Declassified NSA History Document
From Schneier on Security

Recently Declassified NSA History Document

"American Cryptography During the Cold War 1945-1989; Book IV: Cryptologic Rebirth 1981-1989." Document was first declassified in 2009. Here are some newly declassified...

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Washes Ashore
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Washes Ashore

A giant squid washed ashore in New South Wales.

Interesting Research in Using Animals to Detect Substances
From Schneier on Security

Interesting Research in Using Animals to Detect Substances

Fascinating research summarized in The Economist. Basically, detecting dogs respond to unconscious cues from their handlers, and generate false alarms becausebomb...

Pickpockets are a Dying Breed
From Schneier on Security

Pickpockets are a Dying Breed

Pickpockets in America are dying out. This is the bit I found interesting: And perhaps most important, the centuries-old apprenticeship system underpinning organized...

From Schneier on Security


NIST has finally published its rationale for selecting the five finalists.

Erasing Data from Flash Drives
From Schneier on Security

Erasing Data from Flash Drives

"Reliably Erasing Data From Flash-Based Solid State Drives," by Michael Wei, Laura M. Grupp, Frederick E. Spada, and Steven Swanson. Abstract: Reliably erasing...

Anonymous vs HBGary
From Schneier on Security

Anonymous vs HBGary

One of the effects of writing a book is that I don't have the time to devote to other writing. So while I've been wanting to write about Anonymous vs HBGary, I...
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