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Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Tattoo
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Tattoo

Impressive, even if it isn't real.

Interview with Me
From Schneier on Security

Interview with Me

I was interviewed on

HBGary and the Future of the IT Security Industry
From Schneier on Security

HBGary and the Future of the IT Security Industry

This is a really good piece by Paul Roberts on Anonymous vs. HBGary: not the tactics or the politics, but what HBGary demonstrates about the IT security industry...

Good Article About the Terrorist Non-Threat
From Schneier on Security

Good Article About the Terrorist Non-Threat

From Reason: Know thy enemy is an ancient principle of warfare. And if America had heeded it, it might have refrained from a full-scale "war" on terrorism whose...

Susan Landau on Government Surveillance of the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Susan Landau on Government Surveillance of the Internet

Excellent House testimony.

Terrorist-Catching Con Man
From Schneier on Security

Terrorist-Catching Con Man

Interesting story about a con man who conned the U.S. government, and how the government is trying to hide its dealings with him. For eight years, government officials...

Friday Squid Blogging: Research into Squid Hearing
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Research into Squid Hearing

Interesting: Squid can hear, scientists have confirmed. But they don't detect the changes in pressure associated with sound waves, like we do. They have another...

Biometric Wallet
From Schneier on Security

Biometric Wallet

Not an electronic wallet, a physical one: Virtually indestructible, the dunhill Biometric Wallet will open only with touch of your fingerprint. It can be linked...

NIST Defines New Versions of SHA-512
From Schneier on Security

NIST Defines New Versions of SHA-512

NIST has just defined two new versions of SHA-512. They're SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256: 224- and 256-bit truncations of SHA-512 with a new IV. They've done this...

Historical Study of the NSA Scientific Advisory Board
From Schneier on Security

Historical Study of the NSA Scientific Advisory Board

Recently declassified: "Historical Study: The National Security Agency Scientific Advisory Board 1952

Romanian Hackers
From Schneier on Security

Romanian Hackers

Interesting article from Wired: "How a Remote Town in Romania Has Become Cybercrime Central."

The Seven Types of Hackers
From Schneier on Security

The Seven Types of Hackers

Roger Grimes has an article describing "the seven types of malicious hackers." I generally like taxonomies, and this one is pretty good. He says the seven types...

Societal Security
From Schneier on Security

Societal Security

Humans have a natural propensity to trust non-kin, even strangers. We do it so often, so naturally, that we don't even realize how remarkable it is. But except...

Credit Card Fraud Ring
From Schneier on Security

Credit Card Fraud Ring

It amazes me that credit card fraud is so easy that you can run it from prison.

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Pheromone
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Pheromone

A newly discovered female squid pheromone sparks aggression in male squids. Article.

Julian Sanchez on Balancing Privacy and Security
From Schneier on Security

Julian Sanchez on Balancing Privacy and Security

From a blog post: In my own area of study, the familiar trope of "balancing privacy and security" is a source of constant frustration to privacy advocates, because...

How Feed-Over-Email Circumvents Chinese Censorship
From Schneier on Security

How Feed-Over-Email Circumvents Chinese Censorship

Neat article, both the technology and the hacker who created it.

Hacking Scratch Lottery Tickets
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Scratch Lottery Tickets

Design failure means you can pick winning tickets before scratching the coatings off. Most interesting is that there's statistical evidence that this sort of attack...

Bomb-Sniffing Mice
From Schneier on Security

Bomb-Sniffing Mice

I was interviewed for this story on a mouse-powered explosives detector. Animal senses are better than any detection machine current technology can build, which...

From Schneier on Security


I'd never heard the term "micromort" before. It's a probability: a one-in-a-million probability of death. For example, one-micromort activities are "travelling...
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